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RE: Upgrading from Mouse to Cat

in Caturday2 months ago

Love this, so much truth here! I cannot tell you how many times I've had to explain to friends why they received a random Discord or FB message of 354KL;JJ;LLLLLLLLLJLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL during the overnight period. 🤣

Once upon a time, though, when I lived in a one-room apartment where my computer was in the same room as the stereo, I ran my computer's outputs through my (very large, very loud) stereo speakers. Then I set it up so that the computer would make an obnoxious sound every time a key was pressed. Those cats quickly learned the consequences of walking across the keyboard, and avoided it henceforth.

Sometimes I miss that setup...



This cat has put my computer to sleep while I've been using it. He's very talented. It's almost like, "I want attention, and I want it now, please and thank you."

It's a good thing he's really cute.

Mine has done the same! It's amazing how mine can hit keys and key combinations that I didn't even know existed. 😆

I'm not sure if cats ever say "please," though. It always seems to come out more like "NOW, PEASANT!"