Simba stories: I haz a sad

in Caturday11 months ago


Simba's doing well but jail life is really starting to get to him, he's 3 1/2 weeks post surgery and he really wants out. Next week I must get him back to the vet for x-rays, to see whether the bone is healing or not and that will be the decider whether he's in for another 2 or 4 weeks of jail time or amputation if there's no union of bone happening. I think his young age will have been helpful in the healing process, he's definitely feeling a lot better.

simba out.jpg
Smelling the weeds

I took him outside so that he could get a break from the cage and do cat things

eating grass.jpg

Eating grass. As you can see, little Batman is now completely recovered and plotting mischief. The two of them attempted some very boisterous play and I had to intervene and take Simba back to jail because that's very definitely against doctor's orders. It's hard when you are only seven months old and confined to a cage.

For some reason, Simba has diarrhoea again. He isn't sick but I went and got more Fenbendazole from the vet. It could be that he had a low-level protozoal infection - Giardia - before his accident and the painkillers complicated the situation and he had a bacterial infection too. Now that his stomach is better, the protozoan infection remains. When his brothers and sisters were treated, because his littermates had chronic diarrhoea, he'd already been given away so didn't get the treatment that they got. I hope that the Fenbendazole and some probiotics resolves the problem for him because I'm definitely not up for more emergencies.


The hangry cat has finally got a name: Dennis (the menace)

In other news, winter is approaching and the father of these 2 rascals has decided that he's not spending another winter outside and comes inside the house at every opportunity. Katia and Batman don't mind him but Toffee, Yoda, Peanuts and Wookie are very unhappy and I'm going to have to try harder to rehome him. He's a sweetie but I now have too many cats and can't keep complicating my own cats lives


Simba looks full grown at 7 months.. Good luck with that x-ray //

Thanks! The vet said that most of his growing is done

Am I doing the math correctly? You now have eight cats?

Simba is very good looking, all white body, head of a calico colors on his head, and that fluffy grey tail. I like to think of him playing with Batman. And he's grown an awful lot, no? You're such a great cat mom.

Yup, there are 8. I keep thinking that Simba is one of those rare genetic freak tri-colour male cats that are XXY he does seem suddenly larger than before, looks quite babyish in previous pictures

True. Cats need space. We are @ twice as many as we should be. 8 when only room for 4.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions

Wow, you have definitely grown quite the menagerie there!

Jail time is neither easy nor fun, but it has to be done when it's in the vet's orders and healing is involved. Hopefully the X-ray will show healing.

Was just two cats in the house at the moment, we're kind of at a low point in many years. Of course it is springtime up here in the northern hemisphere which means they're going to be lots of kittens at the shelter. Uh-oh.


Uh-oh indeed.
I have always tried to keep the number at 6 maximum, that works with my outdoor space. The problem is that they keep arriving, I don't even need to go looking

Hope all is well with Simba. So many cats you have in a small space. It would have helped if they were siblings!

Even siblings don't always get along. The worst part of this is that Simba's leg fracture was caused by his mother

Oh! Dear! That’s unfortunate. I hope Simba would get healed really fast as he’s very young.

Hopefully Simba is healing well. Feeling good is a good sign. Letting him out to do cat things like

Smelling the weeds

😂 at least give the poor boy some flowers to enjoy

complicating my own cats lives

and YOURS! too many cats equals too much drama
Hang in there cathero

We don't have too many flowers at my place: too hot, sunny and dry so the succulents flower in their seasons but that's it.
I always stopped at six and that was manageable but this particular visitor and the cat down the roads issues suddenly upset all of us and now it is a damn zoo!

Hey :) Good to see an update from your cat paradise.
Serving our feline lords is a daily job with no vacation but it brings some joys, right ;)
From what I see, Dennis is a perfect name for him :D
Have a great Sunday!

Thank you! Enjoy your Sunday too! 😁

I'm going to have to try harder to rehome him.

Maybe talk to some rescues? Or Facebook groups? Even if you can't rehome him, just tell them the situation you're in, and maybe someone will foster him :)

I'm praying that Simba gets good news 🙏

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I like the name Dennis (the menace).