Caturday - Oreo had babies part 2 - instead of two there is four!

in Caturday2 years ago

Hello everyone! Not that long ago I shared a blog post where I told you that Oreo had two babies, how we found them one day running around the chicken area... Well, to our surprise, two more kittens showed up after few days which means there's four in total!


Few days after I shared that post my mom told me she saw a third kitten and I honestly thought she didn't see well, lol. I went to check and yes, there was a third cute furry baby! A day or two after, I received the news there's another one and again, I had to see for myself just to be welcomed by the image of mom with her four kittens running around, playing with each other.


We have a stack of wood that was left over after recent storms in which some of our fruit trees were pulled out from the roots. Since we do cook outside and make BBQ, some of this wood might come in handy for that or similar purpose. To be honest, I don't like when my family piles up random things in our backyards and I would clear up and get rid of a lot of it, but this pile of wood became a hideaway for kittens so I'm totally okay with that.


Even thought Oreo still approaches me when she sees me, kittens are still afraid and if I come too close, they run away and hide so I can only watch them for a distance and have to zoom in my camera when I want to take photos of them. They love to play with each other, chasing each other tail, they play with grass and everything they are surrounded with.


It's interesting to me how chickens and cats get along so well! We had a lot of feral cats over the years and all of them loved to hang out at the chicken area. We have some fruit trees planted here so it gives shade during the hot months but even in winter they get along so well, haha.


I am still not sure why Oreo decided to separate her kittens for few days and just bring two at the beginning, maybe she was trying to figure out where to move them. Or maybe it's the fact she is a mom for the first time and she is still learning. I have no idea where she gave birth and I am not 100% sure if she had more kittens. I don't think she had more than these four since she is still young and not that big, I was shocked with these four already as I though first time cat moms have just a couple of babies.


All four of kittens are super cute and adorable, I cannot stop looking at them! I wish I could pet them as they are so cute, tiny and fluffy! One of them looks just like their mom and for the first time we have a dark grey kitten around. Over the years a lot of feral cats gave birth on our and our neighbors property so we always have cats around and with that comes adorable kittens pretty much every year.

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed looking at these cuties and I hope I'll be able to get more photos of them! I am going to Greece in two days and I'm staying there for two weeks so I guess they will grow and get bigger by the time I come back. :)



The kittens are so cute 💜 looks like oreo is a good mom, they look fluffly and well fed 💜 i cant stop looking at them if i were close, so i fell u haha hopefully they become sociable like Oreo!

Cats are Smart and beautiful.

Oreo is a good mom...just try to care them, plus they look adorable.

Thanks for sharing with us.