
Bathing doesn't cut it for fleas. Only expensive flea products like Selamectin (Revolution) and luckily, the days of bathing tiny kittens are over

I found that out after giving Dexter two baths.. had to get the revolution ..At the time they said (shelter) he was too young to use chemicals.. Took him to my vet for revolution..she had a different opinion Didn't want to have fleas in my house..

Yeah, fleas are hell. It's expensive keeping a large tribe like yours covered though

I have been lucky...

That's good. I just spent the equivalent of $100 on treatment for the next 3 months

I'm the one with the problem.. Can't enjoy being in my yard without getting ticks.. Very bad here.. We have 3 kinds of ticks . to worry about.. The Lonestar, ones that seek out warm bodies are now worse than the deer ticks..

Ugh. Here, dogs and humans get tick-borne diseases easily but cats are quite resistant, thankfully.
I had a round of it as a kid. I had a raging fever and got dropped into a cold bath of water to bring my temperature down. Not something I ever forgot...
You need more possums: I hear they are champion tick eaters