Cafe for street cats

in Caturdaylast year

Hello friends!
The other day my wife and I were in one of the areas of our city called the Old Town. There are many different cafes, restaurants, etc. in this part. Passing by one of them, we saw this!

Do you see how many cats there are? Of course, we stopped and started taking pictures of it. There was a canteen for cats on the edge, and there was someone there.

Several more cats were sitting under the tables nearby.

They didn’t react at all, so we calmly looked at them and took photographs.

There was also a two-story cat chair nearby. As you can see, they were well taken care of!

And finally at least some of them paid attention to us! He's cute, isn't he?

Look what a soft pillow someone put for them on the first floor of the chair! This gray cat can lie down there very comfortably. But while we were there she didn’t go there.

In fact, this cafe is working: there were people sitting at tables inside. They saw us taking pictures of the cats at the entrance and laughed. It's great that the owners of this cafe love street cats.


Cats look happy 😸