Vasya is a hero in the field and a coward in the forest:)

in Caturday3 years ago (edited)


Hi friends!
Saturday-Caturday is coming to an end in my time zone. To be honest, I don't have the strength to write, but I want to share my shots with you so much:)
I'm thinking there are quite a little photos were would be my cats and me together... This is probably because I live alone, and also because they don't really like to sit on my knees.
It's funny. If you're looking for perfect selfie in this post, you won't find it. After all, either Vasya or I are portrayed well! 😺



We recently visited a field near my house. Usually Gray and Black are walking with us, but this time they were not there.
How cozy and beautiful it is here in early autumn. Pastel tones and fog in the distance evoke memories and dreams. And Vasya feels quite confident here. We like to sit on a lonely stone.




Watching the sunset is always a holiday for me. The evening is cool and Vasya calls me to go home...





And these are the moments of a wonderful summer season, when it was still warm. Agree that Vasya is handsome! And what is a creature in front of us? Oh, Gray, who suddenly entered the frame, made me laugh. For some reason, he reminds me of a fur seal with his big mustache and yawn!:)




A few days ago, I decided to take a walk in the forest, although it was already late. The days are so short now... Suddenly I heard a sad meow behind me and realized it was my cat-dog! I tried to drive him away, because I had experience of joint walks in the forest. And this is not great idea... It seemed to me that the cat had returned to its home, but already in the forest I heard meowing again. (It is a 7-10 minute walk from my house to the beginning of the forest).



Our hero did not feel very comfortable here. Vasya constantly rubbed against my legs and tried to climb onto my knees.


When we returned home, Vasya was really happy. Everywhere is good, but at home is the best!

Cats are wise creatures, aren't they?


Good health to you and your pets! I wish you a peaceful and warm week!


What beautiful cats you have, the pictures were beautiful I love the one where Vasya is on the stone looking at the horizon as if admiring the landscape or the sunset and not to mention the one where I capture Gary yawning, hahaha, my cats also follow me and make horrible scandals if I go away, sometimes they make me late for work because I have to return them home, it's very funny.

Oh, I understand you! Cats are very attached to humans, just like dogs. Thanks for your warm feedback:)

Ви справжня котяча мама😂🐾. Які вони граційні, обожнюю!!!👍

Дякую за відгук, моя найбільша мрія - це щоб на вулицях не було бездомних котів... 😽💞

Нажаль це нереально. Я така ж сама, всіх котиків жалію.

Ну, в деяких розвинутих європейських країнах буває... А Україна ж начебто тягнеться до Європи. Та на жаль війна зробила хороших людей кращими, а поганих ще гіршими...

Так, у мене мала в Польщі, то каже там немає ні котиків ні собачок. А так хотілося б кициня погладити. Сумує типу за ними. Всі у прииулках

Звірюки класні)


I believe Vasya is just taking her time !!!! 😀😀😀😀

Guao tu gato se ve enorme y es muy hermoso y además muy fotogénico, Dios los bendiga 🤗💓

¡Gracias por tu comentario! Que tengas un buen día y un domingo brillante :)

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