Hello everyone, happy weekend...well, at least what is left of it :/
In my previous post I told the story about my favorite cat, now is time to introduce the wildest one :)
Tigress was born as 6th of 6 babies; a girl with five brothers.
Unlike them, who stayed "babies" after sterilization, she became real wild cat. Lets only my mother pet her just sometimes. Spends time mostly outside and likes to hunt more than her brothers. Only she is seen hunting something bigger than herself. Also, she has been seen eating her prey, unlike her brothers that just play with animal and kill it. Ouch-worst part for me :( Most of the time I don.t see when that is happening, but when I do, comes the fight: trying to save poor animal from torture many times ends up with scars on my hands but I don.t mind, am happy to see a bird flying again, for example.
This time, a snake was object of our interest, luckily, ended with no participants injured :)
The snake was thrown away into the small wood near the house, from where she probably came from.
A snake????
well, nothing to be afraid of... a lot nicer creatures than frogs 😂
Yeah, snake...but there are frogs too, wanna see some? Trying to turn some to prince charming with a kiss but so far no success :(
Oh, well, maybe that prince charming is not hiding behind a frog skin...
Hmm, definitely not :D
No? noooo? :cry: why not blink blink
Just don't like them. The frogs.
Though princes I could like :D
ok... I love all animals plus some insects :D ... will show you prince when I find one :D
Deal ;) 😍
I have 7 cats and they have brought me everything home, rats, mice, grasshoppers, lizards, birds of various species and snakes all sometimes alive and sometimes dead, what hurt me the most was to see the smallest one called Rusa, achieve what the others had not managed to catch a hummingbird, she can not take it away and I think that when she brought it the poor little parajito was already dead.
What impressed me the most was one day when one of them brought a huge snake, I thought it was dead and it was alive, from the scream I gave I think I woke up my neighbors.
woow, seven, even more than me :)
yeah, they hunt everything... but don,t bring it home, they must think I don.t deserve presents :D
always some drama with cats when they don.t sleep :) which is luckily a lot of time :D
oh finally I found a person similar to me! I also rescue mice or shrews that my cats bring. Recently, they often bring me live animals.
Your cats are beautiful, but the snake is very scary. is it poisonous?
Yeeey, one more animal rescuer :)
It is strange feeling being in the source of natural laws: I am protecting cats from dogs from the area, other animals from cats, cats from themselves... :)
In my first cat post I described that "save or not to save" dilemma, but turns out that so far I have always acted in to save mode
No, there are no poisonous snakes in this area
oh wow flying snake, brave cat and owner :)
hahahaha flying snake lol
Yo me desmayo del susto si veo uno de mis gatos atrapar una serpiente 😂, tu gata es excelente cazadora, la felicito, mis gatos también cazan pero no se comen lo que cazan, yo creo que esa costumbre es solo de los machos, bendiciones para usted y sus hermosos gatitos 🤗
Creo que comer una presa es para todos si tienen suficiente hambre :)
mis gatos están siendo alimentados, así que no tienen hambre, los niños no comen lo que cazan, pero este generalmente lo hace. Tenga un video de ella comiendo no ese pequeño faisán, pero eso es demasiado para publicar: / y lamenté mucho llegar tarde para guardarlo
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