Blanco Aurelio se llama el gato de mi mejor amiga y colega, Eliangela, es un lindo gato blanco de ojos azules. Ya es adulto pero igual juega con las llaves de la casa, la mamá de Eliangela lo regaña porque vive rasguñando las puertas, es muy tremendo pero también es una bola de amor. Se deja querer, me recuerda a Panchita, la gata de la escuela donde trabaja mi mamá, que falleció de cáncer en la boca, por no haber atención veterinaria. Mamá hizo lo posible para comprar medicamentos, gasas, metadine, cremas cicatrizantes pero ya no era posible porque tenían que operarla y no se pudo.
Blanco Aurelio is the name of the cat of my best friend and colleague, Eliangela, he is a cute white cat with blue eyes. He is already an adult but he still plays with the house keys, Eliangela's mom scolds him because he keeps scratching the doors, he is very terrible but he is also a ball of love. He lets himself be loved, he reminds me of Panchita, the cat of the school where my mom works, who died of cancer in her mouth, because there was no veterinary attention. Mom did her best to buy medicines, gauze, metadine, healing creams but it was not possible because she had to be operated and it was not possible.
Blanco Aurelio es un modelo, él posa para la foto déjenme decirles, se monta en la mesa del comedor, mira a la nada, pensando en todo. También, me tomé otra foto, ya se las enseño.
Blanco Aurelio is a model, he poses for the picture let me tell you, he is sitting on the dining table, looking at nothing, thinking about everything. Also, I took another picture, I'll show it to you.
Bueno nada, él está feliz en esa mesa del comedor. Lo conocí por primera vez, en la casa de mi amiga Eliangela, cuando me tocaba buscar la toga y el birrete para la graduación en el club árabe de la ciudad de Cumaná. Desde, entonces, me enamoré de Blanco Aurelio. Además, lo grabé jugando con las llaves, les enseñaré un gif para que vean, como juega Blanco Aurelio con las llaves.
Well nothing, he is happy at that table in the dining room. I met him for the first time, at my friend Eliangela's house, when I was looking for my cap and gown for graduation at the Arab club in the city of Cumaná. Since then, I fell in love with Blanco Aurelio. Besides, I recorded him playing with the keys, I will show you a gif so you can see how Blanco Aurelio plays with the keys.
Si ven, Blanco Aurelio le encanta jugar con las llaves todavía, es un gato bien bello que conocí con eliangela y que espero volver a verlo pronto para contarles más de él. Espero les haya gustado conocer a blanco Aurelio, nos vemos pronto!
If you see, Blanco Aurelio still loves to play with the keys, he is a beautiful cat that I met with eliangela and I hope to see him again soon to tell you more about him. I hope you enjoyed meeting Blanco Aurelio, see you soon!
Pictures of My property.
Exclusive Content for Hive
Gif Maker
Camera: Realme C11 2021
Exclusive Content for Hive
Gif Maker
Camera: Realme C11 2021
muy hermoso Aurelio y de paso conocí una comunidad, que bueno
Muchas graciaaas amigaaa y siii, hay una comunidad de gatos, abrazos
Aurelio is a very powerful name, worthy for a kitten with such a look. I hope they can make him a keychain for him to play with, I mean look for old unused keys and make him his own keychain that he can bat (😍 HOW CUTE THAT FINAL GIF 😍)
So sorry to hear about Panchita's outcome, I've never seen a kitty with cancer in person but it sounds like something very desperate 😟 how beautiful your mom who tried to help her 🫂
Awww thank you so much for commenting!!! Yeah that gif at the end is beautiful, yeah, we'll look for old keys that I can bat with.
Yes yes, Panchita's death is sad, thank you so much for telling me that, mom is very cute.