vragolana cross-posted this post in Transport 3 years ago

Ne plašite se života, tu ste s razlogom! Don't be afraid of life, you are here for a reason!

in Day By Day3 years ago (edited)

“Odbaciti – javi se glas iz mnoštva – zar i zakon jata?

Jedini je pravi zakon onaj što vodi do slobode – odgovori mu Jonathan. – Nema drugog zakona!

Nema granica Jonathane? – pomisli još jednom smiješeći se. I tako započne njegova trka za znanjem.“

Reject - came a voice from the crowd - is it also the law of the flock?

The only real law is the one that leads to freedom - answered Jonathan. - There is no other law!

No limits Jonathan? – thought once more, smiling. And so his race for knowledge begins."

Ovu priču o posebnosti počela sam citatom iz knjige Dzonatana Livingstona.
Da li ste i vi hrabri kao Dzonatan da se izmestite iz gomile?
Naravno, za to treba hrabrosti.
Hrabrosti da tražite one koji misle kao vi, dele iste snove kao vi i usudjuju se da budu odbačeni iz gomile tragajajući za slobodom baš kao i vi?

I started this story about uniqueness with a quote from Jonathan Livingston's book.
Are you brave like Jonathan to stand out from the crowd?
Of course, that takes courage.
Courage to seek out those who think like you, share the same dreams as you and dare to be rejected from the crowd in pursuit of freedom just like you?

Na ovu temu me je inspirisao odlazak na mesto odakle počinje avantura, odakle se odvajaš od zemlje po kojoj ste navikli da hodate, gde nestaju granice.

I was inspired on this topic by going to the place where the adventure begins, where you separate from the land you're used to walking on, where borders disappear.






Usudite se, kaže jedna mudrost, usudite se jer to je prvi korak ka slobodi. Usudite se i otkrijte ko ste?
Koliko vredite?
Koji su vaši potencijali?
Nemojte biti samo živi, ŽIVITE!

Dare, says one wisdom, dare because it is the first step to freedom. Dare and discover who you are?
How much are you worth?
What are your potentials?
Don't just be alive, LIVE!






Biti drugačiji izaziva strah kod drugih. Ne vole čak ni VAS da vide promenu. Podseća ih na to koliko oni ne mogu, pa vas ubedjuju da ne možete ni vi. Nije istina. Karte su svima podeljene. Nije važno da li ste dobili najjače karte, važno je kako igrate. Kakva šteta ne saznati krajnje domete života. Ne plašite se da izadjete iz zone komfora jer tek tada počinje stvaran život!
Samo skočite i letite. Letite u slobodu. Letite u nepoznato, letite i budite radoznali kao deca!

Being different causes fear in others. They don't even like YOU to see change. It reminds them of how much they can't do, so they convince you that you can't either. Not true. Cards are dealt to everyone. It doesn't matter if you got the strongest cards, it matters how you play. What a shame not to know the ultimate reaches of life. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone because only then does real life begin!
Just jump and fly. Fly to freedom. Fly into the unknown, fly and be curious like children!


Bukovski je rekao:

“Nije smrt ono što je užasno, već životi koje ljudi žive ili ne žive do svoje smrti. Oni ne poštuju svoje živote, oni pišaju po njima… Ružno izgledaju, ružno govore, ružno hodaju… Pusti im veliku muziku i oni je neće čuti. Većina ljudskih smrti je obična prevara. Ništa tu nije ostalo da umre”.

Bukowski said:

"It is not death that is terrible, but the lives that people live or do not live until they die. They don't respect their lives, they piss on them... They look ugly, talk ugly, walk ugly... Play them big music and they won't hear it. Most human deaths are simple hoaxes. Nothing was left to die."

Živite, samo živite.

Live, just live.

Pozdrav od Anke vragolanke.

Greetings from Anka vregolana!