obsesija cross-posted this post in Transport 3 years ago

Početak kraja državne valute 💸🚜₿ The beginning of the end of the state currency

in AGRO3 years ago (edited)

Nevjerovatna nedjelja s demonstracijama - ljudi koji još uvek nisu shvatili šta je kripto

An incredibly Sunday with demonstrations - people who still haven't figured out what crypto is

Sigurno se pitate kakve veze traktori imaju sa demonstracijama?
Dragi moji, danas smo imali neverovatnu nedelju, iznenađenje na putu koje nismo očekivali.

You must be wondering what tractors have to do with demonstrations?
My dears, today we had an incredibly Sunday, a surprise on the way that we did not expect.


Letni dan, nedelja, tiho, mirno i lepo nedeljno jutro, krenuli smo da ispratimo brata koji se vratio u Beč.
Planirano je da transport stigne oko deset sati, ali je uvek bolje neplanirano jer taman kada se nešto planira ne ispadne kako se očekivalo 😀, prevoz kasni skoro sat vremena.

Summer day Sunday, quiet, peaceful and beautiful Sunday morning, we set off to see off my brother who returned to Vienna.
It was planned that the transport would arrive around ten o'clock, but it is always better unplanned because just when something is planned it doesn't turn out as expected 😀, the transport is almost an hour late.


Bilo je podne kada smo se vraćali, kada smo bili skoro kod kuće, ogromna kolona traktora je blokirala put do grada.
Traktori su bili prazni, a vozači sa strane.

It was noon when we were returning, when we were almost at home, a huge column of tractors blocked the way to the city.
The tractors were empty and the drivers were on the side.



Automobili i kamioni koji su dolazili u susret čekali su u redovima, uključujući i nas.

Oncoming cars and trucks were waiting in lines, including us.


Umorili smo se od čekanja u autu, pa smo odlučili da prošetamo među ljudima koji su demonstrirali da vidimo o čemu se radi?
I zašto su blokirali traktore da prođu put?

We got tired of waiting in the car, so we decided to walk among the people who were demonstrating to see what it was all about?
And why did they block the tractors from passing the road?


Ovo se dešava ljudima koji se bave poljoprivredom!
Razočarani farmeri demonstrirali su nad cijenama svojih proizvoda.
Zaista, cijene raznih proizvoda su jako visoke da se mnogi pitaju kako će preživjeti zimu, a doprinose poljoprivrednika plaćaju po vrlo niskoj cijeni, odnosi se na žitarice.
Žitarice, heljda i drugo, ali je cijena hljeba i ulja znatno veća u trgovinama.

This is what happens to people who do agriculture!
Disappointed farmers demonstrated over the prices of their products.
Indeed, the prices of various products are very high that many people wonder how they will survive the winter, and the contributions of farmers pay at a very low price, it refers to cereals.
Grain, buckwheat and others, but the price of bread and oil is significantly higher in stores.



Mislim da su ovi ljudi danas sa punim pravom izašli na ulice i protestovali zbog dugogodišnjeg rada koji nije dovoljno plaćen.
Rekli su da prekinete ovo što se dešava i izrazili nezadovoljstvo.

I think that these people went out today with full right in the streets and protested for their years of hard work that is not paid enough.
They said stop what is happening and expressed their dissatisfaction.



Nadam se da će se njihov rad i nezadovoljstvo uzeti u obzir i da će im biti nadoknađena šteta.
Nažalost, vjerovatno nisu dobro upućeni u kriptovalute, mnogi seljani ne znaju ni šta oni misle!
Ali da su bili upoznati ili znali pravu vrijednost kriptovaluta, možda danas ne bi bili na ulicama, ali bi mogli unovčiti svoje proizvode na drugi način.
Verovatno će se priča o kriptu proširiti i ljudi će verovatno jednoga dana ozbiljnije shvatiti, za razliku bezvrednog novca, koji bukvalno iz dana u dan gubi sve više svoju vrednost.

I hope that their work and dissatisfaction will be taken into account and that they will be compensated for the damage.
Unfortunately, they are probably not well versed in crypto, many villagers don't even know what they mean!
But if they were knowledgeable or knew the real value of crypto-currencies, they might not be on the streets today, but could monetize their products in another way.
It is likely that the story about crypto will spread and people will probably take it more seriously one day, unlike worthless money, which literally loses its value day by day.

Your Maya

Friends, English is not my first language, so I'm sorry if there are any discrepancies. Hope you understand it ;-)

(The content of the text, as well as images, videos, and other media, are my own personal and private data.)

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