in Lifestyle4 hours ago (edited)



Hello everyone, I hope you are well. I have not been posting lately because my cell phone got damaged, but here I am.

Today I want to share with you some pictures of the presentation I did with some classmates at school for the day of indigenous resistance.

To begin with, the school had selected a group of students to dance and another to dramatize. Since it is the fifth year, we have to participate in the school events, since all of that is evaluated. At first we did not want to dance, since we were embarrassed, but, the fact that the presentation was going to be evaluated we had to do it, we had two weeks approximately to learn a dance, for some it was easy, for another difficult, since they are not to dance, we looked for a dance that was easy and thus learn it quickly, since having to practice in certain hours of classes we did not have much time. They explained to us that we had to make an indigenous costume because they were going to evaluate it. Everyone asked us what we were going to do, since no one knew how to make a costume. Some improvised and others had them made, but in the end everything turned out well. A friend of mine commented that running from there to here felt like being in elementary school and, well, she was right, we had a long time without presenting as a group and it felt really nice.

After the presentation, we were congratulated, took some pictures, got refreshments and then changed into our uniforms. We were all happy to have performed and joked that we had to take advantage of the costumes, like using them for carnival and things like that. Some classmates and I are thinking of participating for Christmas, since there are always events around that time, I hope we can do them because this experience was very nice and a lot of fun.

Thanks for reading❤️


Hola a todos, espero que se encuentren bien. Últimamente, no he realizado publicaciones debido a que mi celular se dañó, pero acá estoy.

El día de hoy les quiero compartir fotos sobre la presentación que realicé con unas compañeras en el colegio por el día de la resistencia indígena.

Para empezar, el colegio había seleccionado un grupo de alumnos para bailar y otro para dramatizar. Por ser quinto año, tenemos que participar en los actos escolares, ya que todo eso es evaluado. En un principio no queríamos bailas, ya que nos daba pena, pero, el hecho de que la presentación iba a ser evaluada tuvimos que hacerlo, tuvimos dos semanas aproximadamente para aprendernos un baile, para algunas era fácil, para otro difícil, ya que no son de bailar, se buscó un baile que fuera fácil y así aprenderlo rápido, ya que al tener que practicar en ciertas horas de clases no teníamos mucho tiempo. Nos explicaron que teníamos que hacer un traje de indígena porque lo iban a evaluar. Todos nos preguntaron qué íbamos a hacer, ya que nadie sabía cómo hacer un traje. Algunos improvisaron y a otros se los hicieron, pero a la final todo quedó bien. Una amiga comentó que el estar corriendo de allá para acá se sentía como estar en primaria y, pues la verdad tenía razón, teníamos mucho tiempo sin presentarnos de forma grupal y la verdad se sintió muy bonito.

Luego de la presentación, nos felicitaron, tomamos algunas fotos, nos dieron refrigerios y luego nos cambiamos al uniforme. Todos estábamos contentos por habernos presentado y bromeábamos con que teníamos que sacarle provecho al vestuario, como usarlo en carnaval y cosas así. Algunas compañeras y yo pensamos en participar para Navidad, ya que como siempre se hacen actos por esas fechas, espero que podamos hacerlos porque esta experiencia fue muy linda y muy divertida.

Gracias por leer❤️

WhatsApp Image 2024-06-22 at 10.06.03 PM.jpeg


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Que hermosa de india mi bebe

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