2025 - Goals and aspirations. a reminder to myself.

in Lifestyle3 months ago

This is basically a list of goals and aspirations for 2025, Things I'm going to work on and hopefully get done before year end.

Generally most of them will be the sooner they are sorted the better.

Lets kick this off with the big one.


Priority #1 is sorting out my health. 2024 has been an abysmal year of suffering for me health wise and I've yet to be able to actually see a doctor about it properly because the NHS is in shambles here in the UK and GP appointments are difficult to get for one reason or another.

I also dread going to the doctor in general cause anxiety over generally being outside and all that. But alas I'll just deal with it because I sure as hell hate feeling like this more than dealing with anxiety.

My current GP is also incompetent and uncaring.

The goal

Get changed over to the only other GP in my area and get an appointment, demand to see a specialist in immune disorders or whatever and go from there, I'll also mention the thyroid issue as dealing with that asap is important cause it can take months to get right.
Other health issues will be dealt with after the big issues are sorted as most are (permanent) side effects cause by the big issue.

With that out the way the rest are just general things I'd like to do and get sorted out.

Finish the kitchen and house decorating

Kitchens come a long way, it's taken a long time due to my inability to help on some days but most of the 2 man jobs are done and my dad can pretty much finish everything else himself, more so if I provide motivation and also help out in what ever way I can.

After that we can get my room sorted and finish of the 1000 other started jobs that need finishing.

So we need to finish kitchen and decorating and get the house cleaned up and looking like a home again.

Streaming on Twitch

My main plan here is keep to the schedule, keep it fun. I've got several massive sticky notes on my desktop detailing all the improvement and cool ideas I was to incorporate into my streams.

Going to slowly chip away at these list of things to do, as I always say when I talk about my streams, incremental improvements no matter how small.


I was to have slightly more regular content that isn't just my stream posts, more blogs and post about stuff I'm doing if I remember.

Main goal is to get to 30k HP by the end of 2025, passively assume no change in my witness position and earnings no accounting for compounding of HP I'll be around 2k short of my target. I'll probably make that up with other posts and all that, got the whole year so I'm sure I'll hit that target.

I also want to increase the amount of easily accessible hive by increasing what I have in liquidity pools on HiveEngine and later VSC when that's all mainnet and up and running.

I will also try get one of my Hive projects finished next year.

So yeah

Everything is dependent on sorting out my health and that could very well take the whole year or longer because.. NHS..

But I survived this year so next year is just going to be better in every way I'm sure... right?..

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A list is always a good start.