Conociendo Córdoba : Dia 3 : La Falda, Las 7 Cascadas / Getting to know Cordoba : Day 3 : La Falda,The 7 Waterfalls

in Lifestyle2 years ago

Hola amigos de Hive. Bienvenidos a mi blog

Hello friends of Hive. Welcome to my blog

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Siguiendo el recorrido de las publicaciones anteriores, hoy continuaré enseñándoles lo que fue nuestro viaje de luna de miel a la provincia de Córdoba.

En días anteriores estuvimos visitando varios sitios de la ciudad de Córdoba, también fuimos al Valle Carlos Paz donde pudimos montarnos en una aerosilla y disfrutar de sus increíbles paisajes y ambiente. Nos quedaba pendiente la ida al río, que era el plan inicial del día anterior.

Nos fuimos hasta La Falda, otra ciudad de la provincia de Córdoba que queda a 4 horas de viaje en bus. Este fue un viaje un poco más pesado porque fueron varias horas y queríamos era disfrutar al máximo el viaje, no estar viajando en un bus, pero el ir y conocer este sitio nos emocionaba mucho así que valía la pena la espera.

Following the path of previous posts, today I will continue showing you what was our honeymoon trip to the province of Cordoba.

In previous days we were visiting several places in the city of Cordoba, we also went to the Carlos Paz Valley where we were able to ride a chairlift and enjoy its incredible scenery and atmosphere. We still had to go to the river, which was the initial plan of the previous day.

We went to La Falda, another city in the province of Córdoba, which is 4 hours away by bus. This trip was a bit more difficult because it took several hours and we wanted to enjoy the trip to the fullest, not to be traveling in a bus, but going and knowing this place was very exciting for us, so it was worth the wait.





Al llegar nos llevamos una triste sorpresa, el sitio no era lo que esperábamos. Se llamaba las 7 cascadas pero nos dimos cuenta al verlas que no eran más que unas pequeñas caídas de agua y no daban abasto con la cantidad de personas que habían ahí.

When we arrived we were sadly surprised, the site was not what we expected. It was called the 7 waterfalls but we realized when we saw them that they were nothing more than small waterfalls and they were not enough for the amount of people that were there.






Sumado a esto mi esposa Nelimar estaba con mucho malestar porque al viajar por carretera sufre de mareos y todavía estaba muy afectada. Igual tratamos de disfrutarnos el momento y pasar un rato distinto, nos tomamos varias fotos.

In addition to this, my wife Nelimar was in a lot of discomfort because when traveling by road she suffers from dizziness and she was still very affected. We still tried to enjoy the moment and have a different time, we took several pictures.



Luego nos fuimos a la otra zona del sitio donde habían piscinas para niños y adultos. Había muchísimas personas. Alquilamos un toldo y unas sillas para disfrutar el resto del paseo y descansar.

También nos metimos en la piscina y terminamos de pasar un rato bastante agradable para luego tomar un bus de retorno a la ciudad de Córdoba donde nos esperaba el departamento que alquilamos.

Then we went to the other area of the site where there were pools for children and adults. There were a lot of people. We rented an awning and some chairs to enjoy the rest of the walk and rest.

We also got into the pool and finished having a nice time and then we took a bus back to the city of Cordoba where the apartment we rented was waiting for us.




El bus que tomamos de regreso hizo el recorrido mucho más rápido y apenas nos tomó 2 horas el regresar. En total fueron 6 horas de viaje, a un sitio que aunque no disfrutamos al 100 la pasamos bien y vivimos algo diferente.

Al llegar paseamos un rato, comimos y ya luego nos fuimos a descansar.

A lo mejor mi experiencia no es la misma que han tenido ustedes, seguro era por la fecha que había tantas personas. ¿Conocían este sitio? ¿Qué les ha parecido a ustedes?

The bus we took back made the trip much faster and it only took us 2 hours to get back. In total it was a 6 hour trip, to a place that although we did not enjoy 100% we had a good time and experienced something different.

When we arrived we walked around for a while, had lunch and then went to rest.

Maybe my experience is not the same as yours, it was probably because there were so many people there. Did you know this place? What did you think of it?



Espero les haya gustado este tercer día de recorrido por la provincia de Córdoba desde mi perspectiva.

I hope you liked this third day of my tour of the province of Cordoba from my perspective.
