Visiting the Neurologist | De visita al Neurólogo 🧠

in Lifestyle3 months ago


Hello Lifestyle friends!

Several weeks ago my maternal grandfather had an episode due to an acute ischemic cerebrovascular disease, reason for which he had to make several visits to the cardiologist to reinforce doses of medication and additionally some studies to see how his heart is working and on the recommendation of the same had to go to the neurologist to determine which area of the brain was affected by this pathology which indicated him to perform an MRI to find out.

After all the pertinent tests were done, I was responsible for taking all the studies to the neurologist including his evaluation with the cardiologist since my grandfather could not move and the rest of my family was taking care of him, he told me that the cardiologist had had a good approach and that the medication was already part of the prescribed ones, He also recommended him to drink green juices and a lot of liquids to help his brain to recover faster and avoid future damages, at the moment he is slowly recovering and although he has forgotten many things like my name I trust that the care will help him to be better for the rest of the rest of his life.

And although the consultation was not for me, I learned valuable health information and indications that we will put into practice for the benefit of my grandfather's health.

See you soon.

¡Hola amigos de Estilo de Vida!

Hace varias semanas mi abuelo materno tuvo un episodio por causa de una enfermedad cerebro vascular isquemica aguda, razón por la cuál debió realizar varias visitas al cardiologo para reforzar dosis de medicamentos y adicionalmente algunos estudios para ver como esta funcionando su corazón y por recomendación del mismo tuvo que acudir al neurólogo para determinar que zona del cerebro fue la afectada por ésta patología el cuál le indicó realizarse una resonancia magnética para saberlo.

Luego de realizarse todos los exámenes pertinentes fui la responsable en llevar todos los estudios al neurólogo incluyendo su evaluación con el cardiologo ya que mi abuelo no podía movilizarse y el resto de mi familia estaban cuidando de él, me indicó que el cardiologo había tenido un buen abordaje y que el medicamento ya era parte de los recetados, adicionalmente le recomendó ingerir jugos verdes y mucho líquido para ayudar a su cerebro a recuperarse más rápido y evitar daños futuros, actualmente se está recuperando lentamente y aunque ha olvidado muchas cosas como mi nombre confío en que los cuidados le ayudarán a estar mejor el resto de lo que queda de su vida.

Y aunque la consulta no era para mí, aprendí información valiosa para la salud y indicaciones que pondremos en practicar para beneficio de la salud de mi abuelo.

Hasta pronto.

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