Best Results Are As A Result Of Consistency. A Life Lesson I Learned the Hard Way

in Lifestyle5 months ago

I couldn't believe that I could be badly affected by the fact that I stayed away from hive for a few days as a result of a faulty device. Some days back, my mobile suddenly started developing faults without any prior notice. I was badly affected because it affected my job and other aspect of my life. It was as if my life depended on it but on a second thought, I decided to let everything flow naturally. The following day I contacted an engineer and after explaining the issue to him, he said that the screen was faulty. The amount he told me was so much that I could not afford it at the moment. So went about my normal lifestyle without my phone. Before now, it was as if my life depended on my phone so I deliberately wanted to test and see if it was a fact. However, I passed the test and it meant nothing to me.

The money I expected arrived after four days, I then sent my phone to be fixed and after some hours I got back the phone. The amazing aspect of the story is that I opened my #hive account and decided to do some posts, only to realize that I could not flow like I always did. I struggle through the process till it dawns on me that I have been away for days without doing this. True life lesson learned but in a hard way. In this life, whatever you do consistently, you become a professional and effortlessly navigate through the processes, and in the other way round, what you stopped doing even when you were an expert, you tend to forget.

The message is clear, consistency is a key to making an impact in your area of specialization. Never let anything deter you from doing what you like doing because the day you stop doing those things, you will certainly lose some ideas. The truth is that many people doing great exploits in their fields of endeavors were not so well educated or intelligent but they were people who consistently do those things. We're what we spend our time on. The more time we spend on things the better we are at those things. Even as iam writing this post, I first I wasn't good at writing but over time I spent time creating posts, and it became part of me that I found delight in doing so. So the key thing is consistency.

It would be fraudulent on the part of anyone who thinks that he would attain the height of a person who is consistent in a thing while he plays around. Even the law and principles of nature are against such. Consistency makes everything one does appear simple. A day you stay back from doing a thing you always do has a debilitating effect with time. It takes great patience and determination to be able to consistently do a thing especially when the results are not showing forth. Therefore, it is hope that always fuels these dispositions.