Have You Ever Seen a Pink Elephant?

in Lifestyle3 months ago (edited)

Another post on which I hit 'post' rather than 'save to draft' so I've posted a picture of a pink elephant! It is a rather special pink elephant though...

This post was the start of my 'review of the year' post but like an idiot, I yet again hit 'publish' by mistake after one line, so it's rapidly been replaced by this wondrous piece of artwork from an eight-year-old.

The eight-year-old in question is a young lady who suffers with ADHD which causes her huge problems in school but the one thing she does excel in, and is able to stay focussed on for prolonged periods is art. She painted this piece along with her teacher at an art class she attends. For children with any form of neurological issues such as ADHD or autism, finding their niche, something that they excel in and can be nurtured and encouraged in is of paramount importance and trust me, there is always something in which they are exceptionally talented. It's just a question of finding it!

This piece of art was a gift from the young lady in question. As we came to realise when we opened our clinic here, half our clientele are a group of foreigners who are rather transient by nature and unlike the local population, we were going to see children come and go which is difficult for us and so it came to pass that after a year, it was time for this girl and her parents to leave the island for good and at her final session on Thursday, presented us with this amazing, and rather large piece of art and a very touching letter from her and her parents.

The elephant will forever take pride of place on a wall, and the absolutely delightful young lady will forever be embedded in our hearts. The most perfect early Christmas present.

My wife and I will both look forward to receiving updates and photos from afar by email and social media. The use of Facebook and Instagram isn't always a negative experience.

Thats it. I hope everyone celebrating is prepared and looking forward to Christmas, and those who aren't are looking forward to a productive, healthy and happy week ahead.

Thanks for reading, this little post was most likely more interesting than the post which will appear a little later!

Best wishes and seasons greetings to all.




Lol, it is still a fine post! I have done that before. It is a mad panic to get something up!

It is very motivating as thoughts of Hivewatchers, blacklists, the embarassment of an appeal and everyone calling you a twat go rushing through your mind lol

The FEAR hits you bad!

It is quite the yawning feeling of horror in the pit of your stomach when it happens. Especially those times the chain is going slow and you cant know for certain if it has done it or not. Yeek

It's a beautiful piece of work, so colourful and full of life, and so representative of Thailand. Your wife must
have done a brilliant job to help the girl with whatever therapy she needed

The little girl has really tried hard to get herself more 'still' and organised and improve her focus etc and she is now improving in school which is great. It helps because she is really bright. Hopefully, she'll be able to continue with an OT wherever she ends up and keep improving. :-)

That’s wonderful that the little girl found her niche.
I can imagine that painting is precious…

Oh my hahaha the buttons are so close together. You changed it well quickly.
Have a wonderful day 😊

Good afternoon, start of a new week, again!

Thank you, the buttons for post and save draft are far too close together on Ecency, especially for a clumsy old fella who isn't concentrating properly! It isnt the first time I've done this and no doubt won't be the last!

Have a wonderful week in the snow :-)

Yes, the week has already started.

I know hahaha far too close. I had some trouble with ecency lately for writing my posts. So i am posting right now with peakD, doing each day a post for the challenge. Haven’t missed a day this month hahaha
Hope they change those buttons for you one day.

Thank you, I sure will. Enjoy the sun ☀️
Merry Christmas 🎄


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