S.H.E Competition

in Lifestylelast year

Hallo my dear readers. Are you good today? Today i want to tell you about our trip to Kimberly South africa. In a world were everyday is fast and busy. it's good take day off and relax and just enjoy a day with you colleagues. On 25 of November it was competition day.

It's actually a two hour drive but my husband wanted to go early to avoid traffic and all the big trucks on the road. During the early hours of the morning we were on our way to Kimberly. Kimberly is a big city in Northern Cape with many historical places

But i will tell you more about that in another story was my first time attending such a event and i wasn't disappointed i think it's a good idea to have competitions like this because employees increase their productivity

We went there for the yearly SHE competition. SHE stands for Safety, health and Environment. It's a big event every year for the surrounding mines in Northern Cape. The last competition was held in 2019 then they stopped it because of the pandemic. But all the companies decided to held it again this year. There were ten mines that compete with each other. Idwala, KP Lime,Petra Diamond mine, finsch mine, ekapa mine, south 32 and more. The was lots of categories to compete in like forklift competition

where they could complete in the task and try to finish first. My husband was the leader of his team and his team compete in this one and came in third. He was so proud of his team they received medals and shopping vouchers at our local store

Fire fighting competition,best dressed, first aid. safety representatives. The day started cool but in the afternoon it was 39° it was to hot to handle and we try to get some shade against the wall but that didn't helped for long

it was exiting to see everyone doing these things and how all the teams worked together. Before the activities began there was a prayer.
Everyone was in good spirit and full of hope and excitement. there were lots of dancing. and the people cheered for there favorite teams There was this one event that i liked very much its called the devil cross

the leaders of the opposition started the fire and then the competitors must take the fire out in seconds the one team did it in eight seconds that was really fast and no other team could beat them.

The were lots of food and cool drink stands as well. It was a day fulfilled with laughter and well spend with friends

After a long hot day it was time to go home on our way back i took some pictures of the sunset

Until next time I hope you enjoyed my blog♡