Hola querida comunidad Hive ❤️// Hi dear community Hive ❤️
Para nosotros las hallacas son muy importante y no hay manera de que no se hagan cada diciembre; para las personas que no son de Venezuela, la hallaca es la comida navideña típica de nosotros los venezolanos junto con la ensalada de gallina hecha con papa, zanahoria (como toque secreto manzana para elevar el sabor de la ensalada) y la gallina propiamente. El plato navideño lleva también pan de jamón, un pan hecho con jamón ahumado, aceitunas y pasas (cosas que casi todo el mundo le saca 😂) y puede ser pernil o asado negro como proteína del plato.
Para nosotros es tradición que toda la familia este reunida en la mesa para la elaboración de las hallacas, aquí cada persona dependiendo su edad tiene rol, si son niños le toca colocar los adornos de la hallaca, como las pasas, aceitunas, pimentón, cebolla 🧅, Pollo 🍗 dependiendo de la región de Venezuela cada quien tiene su ingrediente extra que agregarle, en nuestro caso le echamos tocineta para darle un toque ahumado. Las mujeres más adultas de la familia hacen el guiso, las demás aplastan la masa, los adolecentes amarran y la tía siempre le toca doblar 😂, yo desde que me volví tía tengo ese rol 😬.
For us hallacas are very important and there is no way they are not made every December; for people who are not from Venezuela, hallaca is the typical Christmas meal for us Venezuelans along with chicken salad made with potato, carrot (as a secret touch apple to elevate the flavor of the salad) and the chicken itself. The Christmas dish also has pan de jamón, a bread made with smoked ham, olives and raisins (things that almost everyone takes out of it 😂) and it can be pernil or asado negro as the protein of the dish.
For us it is tradition that the whole family is gathered at the table for the elaboration of the hallacas, here each person depending on their age has a role, if they are children it is their turn to place the hallaca decorations, such as raisins, olives, paprika, onion 🧅, Chicken 🍗 depending on the region of Venezuela everyone has their extra ingredient to add, in our case we add bacon to give it a smoky touch. The most adult women in the family make the stew, the others flatten the dough, the teenagers tie and the aunt always has to fold 😂, since I became an aunt I have that role 😬.
En mi casa solo fuimos mi madre (encargada de hacer el guiso), mi hermano (encargado de aplastar la masa en la hoja de plátano y echarle su respectivo onoto), su esposa (encargada de amarrar) mi sobrino de 1 año y 11 meses (encargado de ver comiquitas y tomarse fotos con la hallaca 😂) y yo que como dije, soy la tia encargada de hacer el doblez de la hallaca para que sea amarrada (Pero como nos faltaba personal también puse los adornos 😅).
Acomodamos la mesa, mismos todo en sus tazas, mi madre empezó con su momento favorito de esta preparación ✨Hacer la masa✨, mi abuela era una cocinera increíble y tenia varios secretos en la cocina y con las hallacas tenía uno muy especial e importante que se encargó que eso quedara de generación en generación, la masa de nosotros tiene su truco (que no puedo compartir por acá, lo siento 😂
😬), y hace que esa masa quede tan divina que provoca hasta comérsela cruda jaja, la masa se hace con el caldo de pollo (dónde se sancocho la pechuga de pollo, tipo consomé), y onoto, por supuesto que con harina PAN que gracias a mi maquillaje ya ustedes la conocen 🤭, y pues claro el secreto familiar. Mi madre una vez que estaba lista la masa las hizo bolitas y las puso en una bandeja para ir llevando la cuenta de cuántas hallacas íbamos haciendo, en esa bandeja cambian 26 bolitas, es decir, 26 futuras hallacas ✨.
In my house we were only my mother (in charge of making the stew), my brother (in charge of crushing the dough in the banana leaf and pouring the respective onoto), his wife (in charge of tying) my nephew of 1 year and 11 months (in charge of watching comics and taking pictures with the hallaca 😂) and me that as I said, I am the aunt in charge of making the fold of the hallaca to be tied (But as we lacked staff I also put the decorations 😅).
We arranged the table, everything in their cups, my mother began with her favorite moment of this preparation ✨Making the dough✨, my grandmother was an incredible cook and had several secrets in the kitchen and with the hallacas she had a very special and important one that was responsible for that to remain from generation to generation, the dough of us has its trick (that I can not share here, I'm sorry 😂
😬), and it makes the dough so divine that it makes you eat it raw haha, the dough is made with chicken broth (where the chicken breast is boiled, consommé type), and onoto, of course with PAN flour that thanks to my makeup you already know it 🤭, and of course the family secret. Once the dough was ready, my mother made small balls and put them on a tray to keep track of how many hallacas we were making, in that tray there were 26 small balls, that is, 26 future hallacas ✨.
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Empezamos con toda, cada quien haciendo su labor que se le asignó (y el que le toca para su edad 🤭) y si fuimos haciendo una por una..... No íbamos a hacer muchas, normalmente la familia venezolana hace de 100 a 200 hallacas, cuando yo era chiquita esa era la cantidad que hacíamos Pero realmente no somos muchos y mi hermano en su casa también iba a hacer hallacas así que al final todo eso iba a quedar para mí mamá y para mí, y yo por lo menos no soy de comer hallacas todos los días (como normalmente se hace), así que solo salieron 53 hallacas y está vez no hicimos bollitos, los bollitos es la mezcla de todos los ingredientes que sobraron, se le agregan a la masa y se une todo; guiso, adornos, todo.... Y posteriormente se usan como los desayunos desde ese día hasta que se acaben 😂.
Clearly you can't make hallacas without a good mix of gaitas, so in the house Maracaibo 15 and Los Cardenales del éxito ♥️ were playing at full blast. Once the banana leaves were ready, cut and cleaned we took them to the table; we had already selected the ones that were for the hallacas and the ones that served as "Fajitas" which are the ones that are used when the hallaca leaf breaks and so we can cover the cracks that were made and prevent water from entering.
We started with everything, each one doing their assigned work (and the one they are supposed to do for their age 🤭) and we did it one by one ..... We were not going to make many, normally the Venezuelan family makes 100 to 200 hallacas, when I was little that was the amount we made But really we are not many and my brother in his house was also going to make hallacas so in the end all that was going to be left for me and my mom, and I, at least I am not one to eat hallacas every day (as it is normally done), so we only made 53 hallacas and this time we did not make bollitos, the bollitos is the mixture of all the ingredients that were left over, they are added to the dough and everything is united; stew, decorations, everything. ... And then they are used as breakfast from that day until they run out 😂.
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Luego de estar listas teníamos que cocinarlas, antes de empezar a hacer las hallacas ya habíamos puesto la olla con agua a hervir para cocinar las hallacas, le echamos sal y una vez las hallacas ya estaban armadas se echaron a cocinar en el agua, y antes de taparla se me colocaron una hojas de plátano encima (en realidad todavía ando tengo claro para que es eso 😂, creo que es para que el agua adquiera el sabor de las hojas). Cómo el guiso de las hallacas ya estaba cocido no teníamos que dejarlas mucho tiempo hirviendo ya que era solo para que se cocinara la masa, así que pusimos la alarma para 20 minutos cada lote de hallacas, y una vez salieron las primeras ya era hora de ✨La degustación✨.
Nosotros también hicimos nuestra ensalada de pollo, a mi mamá no le gustan las gallinas ni vivas ni en ninguna de sus presentaciones 😂 (Le tiene fobia, y si, si es real), y realmente no es porque las hayamos hecho nosotros, pero ¡QUE HALLACAS TAN BUENAS" tenían color, tenían, sabor, lo único que quedaron un poco pequeñas Pero así hay excusa para comernos dos o tres 🤭, realmente quedaron sabrosas.
After they were ready we had to cook them, before starting to make the hallacas we had already put the pot with water to boil to cook the hallacas, we added salt and once the hallacas were ready we put them to cook in the water, and before covering it we put some banana leaves on top (actually I still don't know what that is for 😂, I think it is so that the water acquires the flavor of the leaves). How the hallacas stew was already cooked we didn't have to leave them boiling for long since it was just for the dough to cook, so we set the alarm for 20 minutes each batch of hallacas, and once the first ones came out it was time for ✨The tasting✨.
We also made our chicken salad, my mom doesn't like chickens neither alive nor in any of their presentations 😂 (she has a phobia of them, and yes, it's real), and it's not because we made them, but ¡QUE HALLACAS TAN BUENAS" they had color, they had flavor, the only thing was that they were a little small, but this way there is an excuse to eat two or three 🤭, they were really tasty.
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My grandmother from heaven is happy to see how we continue with her tradition and her culinary secret, for her there was nothing more important than the elaboration of the hallacas in December because it was the moment where the whole family was together working together for something, no matter how old they were, and I think that was the best inheritance she could have left us ✨Those moments ✨...... Thank you Beatriz, we love you ❤️. Thank you for reading my post beautiful people, and hopefully everyone eats their respective hallaca and can do it with the company of the most loved ones, see you in the next post, bye ❤️.
Es una lastima no poder estar allí este año, pero es bueno saber que estas lindas costumbres aún se mantienen a pesar de todo pronóstico🥺
Para el año que viene si las hacemos juntas, para que te comas el pollo como siempre 😒.....
Que bueno comparten en familia una tradición que todavía se cumple en muchos hogares Venezolanos.
Es una tradición que llena de magia a cada hogar venezolano.... ❤️✨