En/Ua Mom should be in two places at the same time 😳 Мама повинна бути у двох місцях одночасно 😳

in Lifestyle6 months ago


Hello friends 😁

It is a pity that state kindergartens in our city are not working now. My beautiful daughters. Danyusha and Darinka. They really want to play in kindergarten.

Tanyusha is there like a fish in water. Laborer, assistant. She repeats movements very well when doing physical education. Dancing is her everything. And when she sings at the same time, that Darinka dances 😁



With Darinka in the group Mama and I, it is very difficult now. And it is difficult not because she is small, but she is still socializing. He looks at who is doing what and repeats it. This is very good for development. Unfortunately, her group was small. And they decided to combine the two groups into one. That's how I need to be in two places at the same time. And with Tanyushka at 10:30 with Darynka at 10:30 😳 And Tanyushka doesn't let me go until she goes into the room where they play and do divisions. The last time I had to ask my grandfather for help.


These are everyday worries 🙂

Have a nice day ❤️

Ua ...
Привіт друзі 😁
У цій спільноті я пишу вперше. Сподіваюсь Як то кажуть... Знайду прихисток у Вашій спільноті 😁

Шкода що державний садки зараз не працюють як до воєнного стану. Танюша там як рибка у воді. Трудівниця, помічниця. Вона дуже добре повторює рухи коли робиться фізкультура. Танці то взагалі її усе. А коли вона ще співає при цьому, той Даринка танцює 😁

З Даринкою у групі Мама і я зараз дуже важко. І важко не тому що вона маленька, усе одно вона соціалізується. Дивиться як хто що робить і повторює. Це дуже добре для розвитку. Не склалося з тим, що її група була маленька. І вирішили з'єднати дві групи в одну. Ось так мені потрібно бути водночас у двох місцях. І з Танюшкою на 10:30 із Даринкою на 10:30 😳 А Танюша мене не відпускає доки не зайде в кімнату де вони граються та роблять поділки. Останній раз мені довелося просити діда допомогти.

Ось такі буденні заботи 🙂

Гарного вам дня ❤️


Боже, які ж вони гарненькі, правнучечки маленькі! Як же я їх обожнюю!!!

Дякую бабуль 🤗

@mama21, you're rewarding 0 replies from this discussion thread.

Good day. I hoped that the amount of the reward would exceed the dislikes. Believe me, I am more upset than you think.

Hello! @gengua @teamukraine Please explain why you both 100% downvoted this excellent post that contains original words and personal photos? I am the @tipu curator for Ukrainian authors with quality content. Is this something new and why is is being done? Thank you in advance.

The owner of this account simultaneously publishes his content on steemit.
She was offered to make a choice, but she continued to publish her posts on both HIVE and steemit.
This is unacceptable.

Thank you for the prompt response and explanation. I recall and understand the negative history from the Steemit platform all too well.

And I don't understand. I write different posts, each unique on different platforms. I also write my posts on the Ukrainian platform. I am writing only in support of Ukrainian unions, in support of my people. That's why I don't understand how I offended the Ukrainian community with my posts about my children 😔 I'm looking for a living only because I'm a mother on maternity leave and it's hard with money. Because children always need to heal before dressing up or treats. I don't understand my fault 😞

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