
Most of them actually involves the breathing technique that you talked about. One of which is a breathing technique that requires a few cycle of 4-4-2 (4 sec slow breath, 4 sec slow exhale followed by 2 sec of holding your breath).

Some of the natural remedies include drinking of chamomile tea at night or even diffusing lavender essence oil in the bedroom to help induce a better / quicker sleep. But still it isn't that effective for my wife 😢

I'm sorry about what happened to your wife, @ako8. I hope she gets better soon.
Has your wife tried to be more tired due to physical activity during the day to help her fall asleep quickly at night?

Yeah we tried exercising too, whether its earlier in the day or later at night a few hours before bedtime. Both didn't quite work out.

But yeah she have not been sleeping well since young, and it seems to get worse as we age.
Might probably seek some professional help sometime soon!