Incontables veces me he preguntado por qué la gente famosa lo tiene todo y YO NO, creo que entra ese sentimiento de egoísmo e inferioridad en que justifico el éxito de ellos porque les ha sido fácil y, me puse a pensar... ¿En serio fue fácil? ¿Cómo yo sé que aquellas personas que son famosas, tienen dinero, viven muy bien lo han pasado fácil? Estamos en una sociedad tan juzgadora, donde los estándares de belleza son inalcanzables, donde por cualquier acto diferente a lo común es criticado y llevado hasta la zona más caótica...
Nadie nace aprendido, nadie nace con miles de herramientas y que SEPAS como usarlas. Podrás tener dinero desde la cuna, pero ¿El conocimiento, el apoyo emocional, tu alrededor será igual a alguien que no tuvo el material y está en la misma cima? Aquí es donde yo digo: El éxito no es lineal, mucho menos debe ser IGUAL a los demás.
Pronto se viene un post educativo/emocional que te ENCANTARÁ de leer 📚💬
Countless times I have asked myself why famous people have everything and I DON'T. I think that this feeling of selfishness and inferiority comes into play, in which I justify their success because it has been easy for them, and I started to think... Was it really easy? How do I know that those people who are famous, have money, live very well, have had it easy? We live in such a judgmental society, where beauty standards are unattainable, where any act different from the ordinary is criticized and taken to the most chaotic area... No one is born knowing, no one is born with thousands of tools and who KNOWS how to use them. You may have money from the cradle, but will the knowledge, the emotional support, your surroundings be the same as someone who did not have the material and is at the same top? This is where I say: Success is not linear, much less should it be EQUAL to others. There's an educational/emotional post coming soon that you'll LOVE to read 📚💬
Countless times I have asked myself why famous people have everything and I DON'T. I think that this feeling of selfishness and inferiority comes into play, in which I justify their success because it has been easy for them, and I started to think... Was it really easy? How do I know that those people who are famous, have money, live very well, have had it easy? We live in such a judgmental society, where beauty standards are unattainable, where any act different from the ordinary is criticized and taken to the most chaotic area... No one is born knowing, no one is born with thousands of tools and who KNOWS how to use them. You may have money from the cradle, but will the knowledge, the emotional support, your surroundings be the same as someone who did not have the material and is at the same top? This is where I say: Success is not linear, much less should it be EQUAL to others. There's an educational/emotional post coming soon that you'll LOVE to read 📚💬
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¡Qué reflexión tan profunda! Es cierto, muchas veces vemos el éxito de los demás desde afuera y asumimos que fue fácil, pero desconocemos las luchas y sacrificios que hay detrás. Cada camino es único y lleno de desafíos. ¡Espero con ansias ese post educativo/emocional!
Muchas gracias por leer💖 Pronto lo saco!