I think I just found the best spot concealer for me | The SAEM Cover Perfection Tip Concealer

in Lifestyle6 months ago

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If you're into Korean beauty, there's a big chance that you've heard of this concealer at some point. It's pretty popular in Asian beauty and I still see a lot of recommendations from people despite all of the other new concealers popping up. So I got curious and wanted to try to see for myself.


I got 4 shades of tip concealer. I got 2 shades that are lighter in purpose so I can use it to brighten and other 2 for a spot concealer. Korean brands are known to be olive-friendly since a lot of Asians have this undertone compared to Western brands so I am quite confident that at least one of them will match my skin.

They look quite similar from each other from the bottle and when swatching, that's when you'll notice the subtle difference. The shades 1.25, 1.5, and 1.75 look a bit peachy on me. I got 2.25 as a promising match.


They're pretty creamy yet not drying.


Since I got the shade 2.25 as the most promising match, that's what I tried.


On the left photo, you can see that I have the concealer under my right eye and none on the other. It's very easy to blend and doesn't get cakey. For its great coverage, it's pretty surprising that it's not cakey and drying. I also didn't have to put a peach color corrector under my eyes cos it usually looks gray when I don't but this one it looks pretty good even without it.

On the right photo, I started using it as spot concealer, covering those dark spots that I had since I was maybe 7-8 years old just cos I was a naughty kid climbing mango trees and eating one without washing... had a pretty nasty wounds from all the green mango sap haha.


It applies a bit light but then oxidizes to almost match my skin tone. I think it already starts oxidizing upon 3 minutes so I didn't have to wait 20 minutes every time I use it haha.


And... look at that.

That is just one layer of concealer and I am pretty surprised to be honest!! It looks so good, satin finish and it gave me a glowy look!

As you can see, those dark spots beside my mouth were covered pretty good. My under eyes also looked very fresh with the concealer. I now understand the hype. I would say it's not 100% match to my skin tone since it is stilllll slightly lighter than my face, maybe because of the placement too, BUT it's sooo good that honestly this is the best match I've found so far in any concealer. I can also confidently use this without any other stuff like foundation without looking obvious that I have concealer on.

You know what the best part of this is???

Aside from it really good at covering spots and just holy grails by a lot... is the price.

The average price of this is under $4. Yup, $4!!!!
But of course it can depend on where you live or where you order it from but I got it for $3. :D For a base product like concealer, that's sooo inexpensive compared to the quality. Even my Fenty Beauty concealer is not better than this tbh.

I'm very happy about this haha and I can confidently wear concealers now without foundation. :D


I feel like i'm reading unfamiliar book with unfamiliar topic, I don't know what concealer is but when I watch make up transformation keme, they show that too. But then, they really showed a lot, there's primer, foundation and other things and coz of that it's hard to tell what's the use of each product. Hahahaha. But at least, in here, I got more ideas about concealer. And its really cool ha. It is super helpful for sure. I have a pekas na in my face and even black under eye, but I think it will be covered by this concealer if I try it. I think they created these things to boost everyone's confidence. Nakakawala nang confident and black under eye, tbh ಥ‿ಥ. But anyways, this is truly a cool products. And it is a good finds for sure

Haha yeah this was me before I started learning about makeup. I didn't know makeup can be so complicated. If you have no idea about those stuff, it will really make you confused with what they are doing especially if they're not explaining what they're putting on their face. :D

Concealer is pretty simple though, just to hide whatever you want to hide, conceal or cover up. :D They are optional of course, since some products can hide those you wanna hide without concealers or you just don't really want to cover anything. They indeed boost confidence and overall it's fun to do something or to feel like you have a control over how you want to appear or something.

Thanks for reading even though you're not that familiar with them. I hope you learned something at least haha and maybe at some point you'd be interested in them, so you can use this small knowledge in the future. :P

Beautiful i like makeup

Thank you! 💗

Great post. I like reading makeup stuff because makeup technology has changed a lot since I started wearing makeup, lol. I really like how basically you can use less products to achieve great results. And the price is just great 🔥 I used to buy a certain quite expensive brand especially for the skin tone, but fortunately it's a little easier (not that much) to find a variety of skin tones than before.