Update: My sister graduated!

in Lifestyle3 months ago


[ Te lo cuento en español ]

Mi hermana tuvo su acto de grado de especialista hace unos días y pudimos ir varios familiares a acompañarla.

Es un logro profesional importante y estábamos emocionados porque estaba satisfecha y complacida de culminar con ese reto.

En la invitación indicaba que había que estar en las instalaciones de la universidad desde las 7pm, se nos complicó la mañana, pero igualmente llegamos a tiempo.

Pasamos un buen rato viendo como practicaban antes de que llegaran las autoridades, luego la entrega de medallas y títulos a cada graduando para terminar con algunas fotos.

Al terminar el acto, pudimos ir a comer juntos para celebrar entre música, risas y comentarios alentadores sobre sus próximos planes.

Alguien me dijo que seguro estaba orgullosa de ella y si, lo estoy más allá de su título, la profesión o aquello a lo que se dedica, estoy orgullosa de quien es y como inspira a otros.

[ I tell you in English ]

My sister had her specialist graduation ceremony a few days ago and we were able to go with several family members to accompany her.

It is an important professional achievement and we were excited because she was satisfied and pleased to complete this challenge.

The invitation indicated that we had to be at the university facilities from 7pm, the morning was complicated for us, but we still arrived on time.

We had a good time watching how they practiced before the authorities arrived, then the presentation of medals and degrees to each graduate to finish with some photos.

When the ceremony was over, we were able to go to lunch together to celebrate amidst music, laughter and encouraging comments about their upcoming plans.

Someone told me that I was surely proud of her and yes, I am, beyond her title, profession or what she does, I am proud of who she is and how she inspires others.

Fotografía porInfinix Note 8 | Photography by @gabriellalpez2 ,

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