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RE: Another week and another lesson learned

in Lifestyle2 years ago

This is a very beautifully-written post, and made me feel like a fly on the wall watching the going's-on. This is one of the reasons why I tell trainers and managers to allow space for new people to make mistakes and slowly learn from them.

On too many occasions, veteran employees have forgotten what it was like when they were new. They hound new employees for every little mistake and get irritated during the training.

Many times I've had to speak up and remind the veteran that it took them six months to get good at the job, and to not expect the new person to be perfect in six day. Everyone has to start somewhere, and we need to give them the grace to spread their wings and fly.


There’s definitely diversity in training. Some are hands on, others watch from afar, some don’t help much at all. I try my best to learn from my mistakes as I go, but I ask a lot of questions because I want to be careful.

I did try and capture my thoughts on the subject the best that I could. Thanks for the comment!