My morning routine is one of my favorite parts of the day. It helps me get into a positive mindset and kick-start my productivity level for the rest of the day. Every morning, I don't usually get up at the same time especially on weekends but I follow a few key steps for maximum efficiency.
I begin my morning by hydrating with a glass or bottle of lukewarm water. I find that this is a great way to jump start my metabolism and get me moving. By the time I am done drinking my water, I am already feeling more awake and energetic. In addition to hydrating, I like to stretch my body and perform a few simple workout. Doing this helps me prepare my body and my mind for the day ahead.
After stretching and exercising, I make my morning cup of coffee or tea. Drinking beverages usually help me to feel energized and I find that they also help to increase my attention and focus. I also like to journal in the morning. Writing out my thoughts, ideas and any plans that I have for the day is a great way for me to stay organized and on track.
Once I am finished with my stretching, exercising and coffee, I'll get a nice cool shower and get ready for the day's challenges which may either come tedious or light.
Finally, before I head out the door, I like to take aside a few moments of the day to meditate and say a few word of prayers. During this time, I sit in silence and be mindful of my surrounding helps to bring clarity and peace to my mind and body.
My morning routine is something that I look forward to every day. By following these few easy steps, I am able to prepare myself for the challenges of the day and set the bar for my productivity level. In turn, this allows me to be more efficient and successful in the tasks that I do throughout the day.
Photo was gotten from unsplash
wow what an extraordinary activity especially when accompanied by a cup of tea, it tastes really good and feels even more so when there are snacks there friends heheh, success for the content