Well, the truth is that many of us Venezuelans wonder why so many things are happening, many of us are not responsible for the decisions that have been taken in the past, what is true is that it has affected all of us equally. It has been 25 years where there is no way out of something that began to end the dreams of many of us. My husband and I have lived it closely, since we spent 6 years out of the country because of the hard situation that increased in the last years, shortages of the most basic things. We both graduated but it was not worth it at all, since the salary was and still is very low here.

We returned less than a year ago, and the truth is that it has not been easy to adapt again, we were very lucky outside, we did very well and thanks to what we did we harvested and we have some heritage, but it was not easy, we lost years of life away from the family, our parents got older and so many things changed in us, particularly my heart hardened, for no one is a secret that being outside is to grow by force and hit him with everything. However, I thank God for so much because I know that many people were not as lucky as we were.
The fact is that all this could have been done in our country, without so much trauma or having lost many things that can never be recovered, and that is the experiences and the years. I have faith, I still keep it intact, it is a road that we still have to travel, and that in 1 day or 1 year it will not be possible, since there are many years where a lot of evil has been sown. But I can not help but feel frustrated to see myself in the painful need to leave again, because I want to do things in my country, I have plans, and most importantly to continue with my family that is everything to me, my brothers my nephews, my parents.

I will continue to trust in the process that has left so much pain and losses in many families, I do not know if God is already intervening in this, because every day I get more indignant, the fact is that there is nothing left but to continue and try to lift our faces. Thanks to Hive for giving me that respite from reality that sometimes many of us need.