Good morning community, We recently went through a somewhat traumatic experience at home honestly, and I wanted to tell you to count on your support, the truth is that we started the year in a strange way that happens, yesterday at approximately 9 pm My mother started to feel bad, she had pain in her abdomen and her arm was asleep, not to mention that her mouth was dry.
Imagen de Alina Kuptsova en Pixabay
Al principio nos quedamos con ella para esperar que se le pasara el dolor, pero como vimos que no se le pasaba le preguntamos a una vecina que es doctora referente a lo que estaba pasando. Nos comentó que eso que tenía eran síntomas de un infarto, obviamente nos alertamos bastante y decimos llevarla al hospital de una para que la atendieran, lastimosamente ya eran las 10 de la noche y para poder conseguir un carro a esa hora mínimo teníamos que pagar un taxi, pero no teníamos dinero honestamente así que me fui a la cola de la gasolina para pedir ayuda gracias a Dios un señor nos ayudó con eso y nos auxilió.
At first, we stayed with her to wait for the pain to go away, but since we saw that it didn't go away, we asked a neighbor who is a doctor about what was happening. She told us that what she had were symptoms of a heart attack, obviously we were quite alert and decided to take her to the hospital immediately so they could treat her, unfortunately it was already 10 at night and in order to get a car at that time we had to pay a minimum of taxi, but we honestly didn't have money, so I went to the gas line to ask for help, thank God a man helped us with that and helped us.
Imagen de Andreas Riedelmeier en Pixabay
Mientras íbamos en el auto mi mamá hablaba referente a los síntomas que tenía, pero ese señor no dejaba de mirarme como si yo le fuera a robar y lo entiendo debido a tanta delincuencia en mi país la gente se vuelve desconfiado, pero bueno toco soportar ese momento incómodo 😆😆😆 , al final llegamos al hospital y entramos de una explicando por qué estábamos allí e hicimos la cola para que la pudieran ver. Al rato llego mi tía la cual también estaba mal, pero de una muela, pero aun así nos fue a ayudar al rato también llego una prima de ella para poder acompañarnos.
While we were in the car, my mother was talking about the symptoms she had, but that man kept looking at me as if I was going to rob him and I understand that because of so much crime in my country, people become distrustful, but hey, I have to endure that. Awkward moment 😆😆😆, in the end we arrived at the hospital and walked in explaining why we were there and stood in line so they could see her. After a while my aunt arrived, who was also sick, but with a tooth, but she still went to help us. After a while, her cousin also arrived to accompany us.
Después de que le dieron el tratamiento a mi mama, ella empezó a temblar y nos preguntamos que estaba pasando, la metimos otra vez en el hospital para que la volvieran a revisar porque si la habían tratado he incluso mandado a su casa debía sentirse mejor. Pero bueno la volvieron a revisar y que va decidimos llevarla al hospital de Maracay para que nos dieran una segunda opinión, pero desafortunadamente no había espacio para mí en el taxi que pagaron así que tuvieron que llevarme a casa.
After they gave my mom the treatment, she started to shake, and we wondered what was happening. We put her back in the hospital to have her checked again because if they had treated her, I even sent her home, she must have felt better. Well, they checked her again, and we decided to take her to the Maracay hospital to get a second opinion, but unfortunately there was no room for me in the taxi they paid for so they had to take me home.
Al llegar a casa tuve que calmar a mi hermana porque estaba preocupada y no pudimos ni dormir bien, esa noche a la mañana siguiente la fui a buscar a la parada y gracias a Dios no era nada referente a un infarto, pero si hay que mandarla a comprobar actualmente es la consentida de la casa porque no la dejamos hacer nada 😆😆😆 tuve que pedir permiso en mi trabajo para poder quedarme cuidándola y bueno este es mi post espero les haya gustado feliz día.
When I got home I had to calm my sister down because she was worried, and we couldn't even sleep well, that night the next morning I went to look for her at the stop and thank God it wasn't anything related to a heart attack, but we do have to send her Let's check, she is currently the darling of the house because we don't let her do anything 😆😆😆 I had to ask for permission from my work to be able to stay taking care of her and well, this is my post I hope you liked it, happy day.
*Las imágenes fueron sacadas de la versión gratuita de pixabay con sus respectivas fuentes y la foto fue tomada directamente de mi telefono.
*The images were taken from the free version of pixabay with their respective sources and the photo was taken directly from my phone.
Gracias a dios que tu madre esta bien, y menos mal que no era un infarto, aunque el dolor tuvo que ser insoportable. Muchisima fuerza y muchas bendiciones para tu familia y tu madre!