My VissionBoard2025 Plans and Goals!

in Lifestyle3 months ago

Before starting the year 2025, i would like to mention some of the plans and goals with which i would like to begin my year, also mention some of things which i left this year but have to be done by the next year. 2025 can a year of great upcomings, it totally depends upon how you make it, you can use it very fruitfully as well as waste it by doing nothing to succeed. So as less than a month is left for the next year to begin so the plannings of this year shall be a bit different.

So as being a human being i have different work aspects on different sites, there is no fixed point on which i need to keep my focus continuously on. We all as human beings need to manage various ways out all rights for the life to go on smoothly. Similarly i have, this time divided my goals as per different fronts most probably it's about 4-5 fronts which i really need to focus upon and i would mention that, i might be lacking out on these all fronts since a long and long time...

White And Brown Vintage Resume.jpg

First of all i would like to introduce my exclusive Goals: Exclusive Goals are mostly effective on the money matters and fronts. Money, i would say that to buy this term it's not an easy task you really need to work very hard, i have decided to open up some set-ups for working and moving forward.
My Exclusive Goals can include in buying various materialistic things, luxurious items...

Then i will continue with my health goals...
Since a long that i listed that i do have a lot of acne on my skin so i consulted my doctor so she said that topical appliance won't work you need to have a good gut health, due to some imbalance in your hormones due to excessive outside eating this may happen so to treat them out she gave me a proper eating plan. So i would like to end my acne prone skin by the end of march saying them a good bye and continuing it long so that i won't come again...
Along with it i am too focusing on maintaining a fit body by focusing on body building because sometimes sudden heartbreaks can lead to good body building because i feel like giving up on these things by expelling out the anger inside myself by lifting up of weights...
Too i am planning up of building up of my abs, since a long and long time back, i know it's not such an easy task but still it's one of my dream and try my best to fullfill it by not giving up easily.

Next is about social front:
I think 2025 is gonna be the year of most of being cold to the once who don't care and give on of the dry replies. I mean goals and improvement are not only materialistic or health conscious it's also about the emotional improvement with which you build yourself. I think that this year i really begged people to stay those who left me at my worst, got such bad and worst things to experience. Saw my close one's changing , being so called the left out friend who everyone things is available when they are free. I think that being cold can really resolve my issue, that's I'm more focusing on resourceful development.

Next is about my career plans and goals:
I think it's a right time for me for starting up searing for a good online coaching centre which can really help me out for getting out good output for learning up new advanced AI and ML systems for future job security use. I think that the future is of AI and i think myself developing more interest in it and it is probably gonna give out one of the most beneficial output to me in the upcoming future and moreover i feel like rather to code i can be a good technical issue resolver because during the times when there is some issue in network or some other common issue i am the one who is more likely to solve it out so i think it is an indication for good future use but more polished one...

Now coming up with my hive goals:

  1. Reaching up upto 2000 hive power and 1000HBD.
  2. Post up quality content regularly with one of the new and real topics.
  3. Make up more connections with Hivers spreading out worldwide.
    Most probably these are most likely to happen one's.

Since these are the enlisted goals and plans of mine which i have just shared so i am hurriedly so excited for the year 2025 and see what happens with a new suspense because i would say that 2024 can not be called as much a good year because of my own stupidities and lacking up in various sectors of good working life. Many mistakes made, many problems are created, an imaginary stoppage wall is being created now in 2025 it's the time for breaking up that wall which stops my individual progress, confront and solve all the issues and problems well and that well so that they don't rise again.


I wish you fulfilment of your plans. I love them...
The balance of mind-body health is of priority to fulfill the rest of the goals successfully.

Happy 2025 with lots of health, beautiful skin and making good decisions to achieve your dreams.🥂