antoniojoseha cross-posted this post in Lifestyle 2 years ago

Getting Ready to Start my internships

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After spending all these years studying, I finally made it to the final stage, the internships.

It will be an intensive 12 weeks working in a veterinary clinic, including weekend shifts.

I know it will be quite exhausting, but it is something I am very excited about at the same time. For this reason, I dedicated my weekend to getting everything ready for it.


The idea of having this notebook is to have written down and organized all the clinical cases that I see during those 12 weeks. I have to do this because at the end of the internship I have to submit a report with all the clinical cases I have seen. This report must be attached with the clinical history, cause of entry, examinations, diagnosis and treatment.


It's something I have to be very careful with because if I'm careless and leave everything to the end, there will be a lot of problems!


As I am almost a step away from graduation, I must have some basic equipment that I will use on a daily basis during my working day.

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from left to right: tourniquet, thermometer, pen, marker, liquid paper and stethoscope.

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They are all important and I like to have them neatly arranged in my bag so that I don't forget anything. It would be very depressing if I forgot something on my first day of internship.


I have 3 uniforms for the whole week, I can alternate one with the other as I wash them. Before I had only 2, but I bought an extra one in case of accidents such as blood, urine and feces stains (which hopefully will not happen).

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Scrubs are like wearing pajamas all day long. They are extremely comfortable and have many pockets. The only flaw I can find is that sometimes they can get torn very easily because of these pockets, because if you are not careful, they can get stuck in a cabinet or a chair (I say this from experience).


I've been eating healthy for almost 8 months now and I don't plan to stop, so I will try to have my food ready for the week whenever I can.

As I haven't done the grocery shopping I could only leave it done for two days (I realized I didn't have any more chicken) but it won't happen again!

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With this I will be well prepared for my first week of internship.

The truth is that I am very excited about this new adventure, because I am getting closer and closer to graduating and becoming the veterinarian I have longed for.

I hope to be able to share many things in the meantime, and that my homework doesn't pile up, of course. I am sure it will be a challenge, but what is the point of life if there is not something to make us overcome every day?

I will keep you updated!