Hello friends, on this day I want to write a post about the International Dance Day. As I have commented in previous posts, I am a teacher and I like to spread culture among the youngest and I find this tool fabulous because it allows us to reach a large number of people throughout the world.
Now, I must thank a tweet published by @DonaldPorterJM and @learntoken LERN in #HIVE where they promoted this activity on http://LERNblogs.com which I thought was quite good, because I did not know so much about this topic and it allows us to know new tools to consolidate the community.
Already entering the topic, the International Dance Day began to be celebrated in 1982 by UNESCO in relation to the International Dance Committee of the International Theater Institute, in honor of the dancer Jean Noverre considered an important pillar of ballet modern. On this day, various activities are carried out worldwide in order to disseminate the importance of dance in culture and generate motivation in people who have not yet enjoyed this art so that they are encouraged to participate or, failing that, start attending the theaters or other spaces where it takes place. One of the objectives pursued with celebrating this day is to promote this art in the various regions of the planet so that various organizations, whether public or private, collaborate with them for its growth and that people who do not know it appreciate its value

During this year the community that practices dance wants to show its concern about the consequences that Covid 19 has caused in their work, since they closed the spaces where their work is disseminated and they hope that in a short time they can resume their activities in a way normal. In this way, the organization that groups them hopes that each dance group in the various countries on this day will carry out activities on social networks or in the media where the role of dance and its role in society is highlighted. As is customary due to the pandemic, many of the activities will be carried out virtually to take care of people's health
In truth, very grateful for writing in this activity, I hope that this type of promotion will continue to learn about new tools and people. The material was written by josej739 and in the case of the images, the reference of where they come from and the design with image software are left. Hope you can leave a comment on the positives or items to improve
Invito a mi amigo @donald.porter ,LERN-Herstory a revisar este post
I invite my friend @ donald.porter, LERN-Herstory to review this post
La foto de la portada esta disponible en la web
Thank you for posting this: I love to dance! Dancing is therapeutic, a great way to get exercise, express one's self, and to enjoy music. It is so important that no matter what happens in life, we remember to keep dancing.
Thank you very much a pleasure your comment dancing is essential for life