(Esp - Eng) Noni y sus beneficios para la salud - Noni and its health benefits

in LERN3 years ago


Un saludo muy especial a las personas que leen este post y a las personas queinteractuan en #Hive. El día de hoy les deseo escribir sobre un arbusto que me parece maravilloso como es el Noni porque presenta muchas propiedades curativas y que en el transcurso de estos años la he notado en beneficio de las personas.

A very special greeting to the people who read this post and to the people who interact in #Hive. Today I want to write about a bush that seems wonderful to me such as Noni because it has many healing properties and that in the course of these years I have noticed it for the benefit of people.

Inicialmente, para las personas que desean conocer su nombre científico se denomina Morinda citrifolia Linn, según la revisión de la literatura esta planta proviene del Asia y de ahí se expandió a todo el mundo. En Venezuela se empezó a notar su siembra a mediados del año 2000 cuando se hizo campañas por parte de algunas tiendas promocionando sus bondades y género que las personas realizaran el cultivo. Vale destacar, que este arbusto tiende a crecer más de 4 metros de alto, por lo tanto deberá apodar si desea mantenerlo de un tamaño cómodo para tomar sus frutos. Igualmente, su fruto es un tamaño generoso pero al momento de madurar tomara un olor muy característico que algunas personas tiende a molestar.

Initially, for people who want to know its scientific name it is called Morinda citrifolia Linn, according to the literature review this plant comes from Asia and from there it spread to the whole world. In Venezuela its sowing began to be noticed in the middle of the year 2000 when campaigns were carried out by some stores promoting its benefits and gender that people did the cultivation. It is worth noting that this shrub tends to grow more than 4 meters high, therefore you must nickname if you want to keep it a comfortable size to take its fruits. Likewise, its fruit is a generous size but when it ripens it will take on a very characteristic smell that some people tend to disturb.


Entre las propiedades que destaco es la capacidad de regenerar la piel luego de una quemadura y general alivio por el malestar que genera, para ello basta tomar su fruto y colocarlo sobre la parte afectada y al cabo de poco tiempo tendrá una mejoría. Otro elemento que destaco es su capacidad de antibiótico siendo de gran efectiva cuando usted tiene afecciones de garganta, con realizar la cocción de pocas hojas y realizar gargarismo genera que al paso de unos días tendrá la mejoría acompañada de otros estrategias, pero es de gran ayuda.

Among the properties that I highlight is the ability to regenerate the skin after a burn and general relief from the discomfort it generates, for this it is enough to take its fruit and place it on the affected part and after a short time you will have an improvement. Another element that I highlight is its antibiotic capacity being highly effective when you have throat conditions, with cooking a few leaves and gargling it generates that after a few days you will have the improvement accompanied by other strategies, but it is of great help .


Asimismo, entre la población he escuchado el beneficio del noni para apoyar el tratamiento del cáncer realizando un jugo con el fruto de esta mata y tomando por un tiempo e intercalarlo por cierto espacio. Otro factor donde genera gran ayuda es para tratar malestares digestivos para cual podemos usar los mismos pasos explicado anteriormente de realizar un jugo con el fruto e ingerir. Ahora bien, es de gran ayuda para controlar los niveles de azúcar en sangre, tensión, apoya el control del sueño y lo referente a este aspecto.

Likewise, among the population, I have heard the benefit of noni to support cancer treatment by making a juice with the fruit of this plant and taking it for a while and interspersing it for a certain space. Another factor where it generates great help is to treat digestive ailments for which we can use the same steps explained above of making a juice with the fruit and ingesting. Now, it is of great help to control blood sugar levels, tension, supports sleep control and everything related to this aspect.


En general esta planta es un excelente aliado para la salud y lo escrito en este post lo he recopilado de la experiencia de consumirla y aspectos resaltante que he notado en personas que lo han consumido. Ya finalizando fue agradable escribir en esta comunidad #lern y espero seguir compartiendo nuevos post en este grupo, ha sido un placer y de gustarle espero que dejen sus comentarios.

In general, this plant is an excellent ally for health and what I have written in this post I have compiled from the experience of consuming it and outstanding aspects that I have noticed in people who have consumed it. At the end it was nice to write in this community #lern and I hope to continue sharing new posts in this group, it has been a pleasure and I hope you leave your comments.


Espero que les agrade el material y djen sus comentarios. Las fotos fueron tomadas por mi persona con una Tablet

I hope you like the material and leave your comments. The photos were taken by me with a Tablet

Saludos a la comunidad LERN y @donald.porter

Cheers to the LERN community and @ donald.porter


Hello! This is @riverflows from the OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

You'll like the Natural Medicine community - in fact, I'll come back and vote your post with the Nat Med account as I'm it's founder. We particularly support medicinal plants. Try the #gardenjournal tag and read a few posts there too if you like gardening. I'm not sure why you tagged mattsanthonyit as that's a user not really a tag haha.

There's so many communities I think you'd enjoy posting within - it's a really good way to connect with people. For a list of primary OCD supported communities, check out this post, and for a full list of communities, check here. Have fun!

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.