You know, the photos and the camera did make it back from New York. Some even made their way on to my business website. The thing is, now, with everything digital, no hard copies, so when the computer crashed and I'd been given wrong advice as to where the Kodak photos were stored, they, and a whole lot of others disappeared. It's one of the reasons I became more active on Facebook - at least my memories would be in the cloud. I also resoved to set the bar for that "friendship circle" quite high. Actually, there's so much more in the US I'd love to see: I follow someone on IG who is also in Georgia - she restores houses. Oh. My. Word. And another who preserves - in Minesota. And, with my fondness for jazz, New Orleans...autumng in NH, cherry blossom in DC and, of course Yosemite and the Grand Canyon...
That trip to Ellis Island will be one you'll never forget. It would be interesting to go again - as an adult. On trip I'd like to make, here, is to Robben Island and to Nelson Mandela's day...I'm not sure the Island is open again.
Spain, well, as I keep on saying: I'd go back. Tomorrow. It's where Son-from-another-mother has spent his summer (well, Malaga and Ibiza). Now he's on his way to Zanzibar. He can't come here - we're not open yet. 🤐
Interesting and lovely how this crypto-blogging journey is widening our horizons... 😀
That is one thing that social media is good for--it can be a repository for digital photos, haha. I actually have started using my IG feed to look back at photos I enjoyed because I still have so many extra photos of all my food that I've been lazy about deleting so it makes it tough to sift through. At least I know if they were worthy enough to share on social media, they're worth putting in a post or using again! On the flipside, I do still like having some photos in hard copy form. Even if they aren't in frames, there's something about having a physical copy that just makes me nostalgic.
Oh gosh, I'd love to hit DC for the cherry blossoms, too. And still haven't explored the Grand Canyon or any of those truly amazing national parks out in that part of the country. We do indeed have plenty to explore in our own backyards!