This months topic is Favourite Ice Cream Flavours
I'm going to start by saying what I cannot abide in the wonderful world of Ice Cream, and that is 'extra stuff'! Marshmallows, sprinkles, sugared jellies, nuts and last but absolutely not least Jelly or Jell-O or whatever you want to call it. I cant stand it, don't want it and think a law should be passed to outright ban it! Leave it for the 4 year old's. That said, incorporating an item into said ice cream as part of it's make up is acceptable in SOME cases and on a rare occasion, frickin awesome.

Mixing ice cream flavours is another dangerous precedent! It can be a beautiful thing blending two complimentary flavours or even two contrasting flavours but more often than not it's just a disaster zone. Neapolitan ice cream, for example,(Sorry @plantstoplanks) is just wrong! Mixing strawberry and chocolate is the most heathen thing that I have ever heard of!! What an offence to the taste buds.
There are some weird offerings out there too. In Malaysia I tried Durian ice cream, which was pushing my realms of taste to the extreme.
One of my favourite ice creams when I was a kid was Funny Feet. Strawberry of all things, can you believe! On it's own with no cross contamination!!
My three favourites:
Cornish Clotted Cream Ice Cream
Hard to put into words but the Cornish may be a bit odd (no more or less odd than your average Bristolian, I might add) but they know how to make ice cream and Pasty's. Damn this stuff is perfect. The clotted cream makes the consistency very soft and super creamy. Made fresh and kept simple, this is the best and well worth travelling for.
Coffee Flavour
A little ambiguous, I know, but I have tried it in a lot of places so I can't really nail down one version. This is a weird one because I love coffee but I'm a little unsure of coffee flavoured products, apart from ice cream. It just works. I have experience some memorable efforts in England, Thailand and the French alps.
Ben and Jerry's CCCD and CFB
The first time I tried B&J Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough My life changed forever. Here was an ice cream with bits of other crap in it that was no just acceptable but down right foodbuzztastic! I can eat a pint without taking a breath. Must NOT be over frozen and slightly 'melty' when eaten.
I have since experienced Chocolate Fudge Brownie and get similar food buzz but the original CCCD gets the nod.
I hope you enjoyed my choices.

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Well, I could not agree more with every syllable of your opening three paragraphs!!
That Cornish clotted cream icecream sounds absolutely divine! I have to say that I enjoy an iced coffee ( forget the proper name) which is the closest I get to coffee icecream. Our coffee shop in Robertson does the most fabulous ones and they're a great summer treat.
Hahaha, thanks for the slap on the wrist Gaz! I told you I only eat the chocolate in the mix, right? 🤣 And to be fair, it's been over 20 years since I've lived in a household with Neapolitan in the freezer.
At least we can see eye to eye on the chocolate fudge brownie. You'll also get Dave's vote for the coffee nod. He does not like coffee itself, but really likes coffee ice cream. There really is something for everyone!
I think your taste buds might have been destroyed by your latest stay in Romania mate. What HAVE they done to you there?! Strawberry and chocolate is a great combination. You may have traveled around the world but your taste buds are still stuck in nursery school - there there Q, he didn't mean it 😂
Thankfully you have redeemed yourself with the choices you gave and I will let your previous crimes slide. Cornish vanilla simply is the creme de la creme of... well, ice creme! Thick, flavoursome and perfect for the beach strolls. Coffee ones can be hit or miss but if it's done by a Cornish company, fully acceptable!
And you saved the best til last with your inclusion of Cookie Dough because that is probably the best Ben & Jerry's flavour going.
I don't drink coffee at all, but coffee flavoured, cake, sweet and for sure Ice cream are definitely something I can dirty my face with and feel guilty afterwards
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