(ENG/ESP) Fanart “Fan-Li and San-Li” – Daiku Maryu Gaiking /Fanart “Fan-Li y San-Li” – El Gladiador.

in HiveVenezuela3 months ago


"- ¡No me creas un tonto! Yo nunca confundiría a mi hermano pequeño. Desde que nos separamos, yo siempre he estado pensando en él. Lástima que ahora, no pueda buscarlo."

Separado de su hermano menor San-Li cuando tenía 8 años al tratar de escapar de sus familiares que los maltrataban, no dejó de buscarlo por más de diez años hasta que finalmente lo encontró para perderlo nuevamente, esta vez para siempre.

Fan-Li es uno de mis personajes preferidos. A pesar que su vida estuvo signada por la tragedia que trajo Ryu Hen sobre su familia y maestro acabando con su padre y su maestro de Judo, el Profesor Umino, no usó eso como excusa para hacer el mal. Por el contrario, se dedicó a practicar Boxeo Patada convirtiéndose en campeón y venciendo a su enemigo en su propio terreno.

Fan-Li era noble y muy buen compañero. Trataba a Brando de manera bastante fraternal, era incondicional en prestarle soporte, poniendo incluso su vida en riesgo por ayudar a Brando y hasta lo defendía de Pete cuando éste era muy severo en su forma de hablarle. Su habilidad con el Skyler era impecable, lo que lo convertía en un excelente piloto aéreo.

Si Fan-Li hubiese podido celebrar la Navidad con su hermano San-Li, habría hecho una fiesta enorme para compensar el tiempo que estuvieron separados y muy probablemente habría invitado a Brando a celebrar también.

Para esa escena, quise recrear a ambos personajes disfrutando y divirtiéndose a lo grande. Para la pose, preferí que ambos tuvieran los brazos extendidos como si están cantando no sólo para expresar la felicidad y alegría de ambos en ese momento sino porque no tienen nada que temer o de qué protegerse en ese instante.

Preferí que la iluminación fuese más fuerte y cálida para resaltar la emoción de ambos hermanos. También lo hice pensando en la ilustración que hice anteriormente de los hermanos Richardson, Pete y Tom, donde elegí una atmósfera más íntima y con poca luz que facilitara a Pete abrirse emocionalmente ante el momento compartido con su hermano menor al darle un regalo de Navidad.

El color del fondo ayuda a que, a pesar de los detalles, se mantenga el foco de atención sobre Fan-Li y San-Li.

Había pensado agregar a Brando a la escena, pero preferí dejarla reflejando el momento entre los dos hermanos.

Así fue como quedó:

Y este es parte del proceso:

Creo que Fan-Li fue un personaje secundario al que lograron darle suficiente profundidad y le permitieron mostrar más que ser sólo el soporte de combate para Brando. Junto con Pete y Gene, es de los que muestran haber tenido una tragedia familiar que lo marcó pero supo llevarlo de la mejor manera.

Disfruté mucho dibujar esta escena y permitirle a Fan-Li tener una Navidad que le hubiera hecho muy feliz.

¡Hasta el siguiente artículo!

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"- Don't think I'm a fool! I would never confuse my little brother. Since we separated, I have always been thinking about him. It's a shame that now I can't look for him."

Separated from his younger brother San-Li when he was 8 years old while trying to escape from their abusive relatives, he continued to search for him for over ten years until he finally found him only to lose him again, this time forever.

Fan-Li is one of my favorite characters. Despite his life being marked by the tragedy brought by Ryu Hen upon his family and master, which took away his father and his Judo teacher, Professor Umino, he did not use that as an excuse to do evil. On the contrary, he dedicated himself to practicing Kickboxing, becoming a champion and defeating his enemy on his own ground.

Fan-Li was noble and a great companion. He treated Brando quite fraternally, being unconditionally supportive, even putting his life at risk to help Brando and defending him from Pete when he was very harsh in the way he spoke to him. His skill with the Skyler was impeccable, making him an excellent aerial pilot.

If Fan-Li could have celebrated Christmas with his brother San-Li, he would have thrown a huge party to make up for the time they were apart, and he probably would have invited Brando to celebrate as well.

For that scene, I wanted to recreate both characters enjoying themselves and having a great time. For the pose, I preferred that both have their arms extended as if they are singing, not only to express the happiness and joy of both at that moment but also because they have nothing to fear or protect themselves from at that instant.

I preferred the lighting to be stronger and warmer to highlight the emotion of both brothers. I also did this thinking about the illustration I made earlier of the Richardson brothers, Pete and Tom, where I chose a more intimate and dimly lit atmosphere that allowed Pete to open up emotionally during the shared moment with his younger brother when he gave him a Christmas gift.

The background color helps to keep the focus on Fan-Li and San-Li, despite the details.

I had thought about adding Brando to the scene, but I preferred to leave it reflecting the moment between the two brothers.

This is how it turned out:

And this is part of the process:

I think Fan-Li was a secondary character who was given enough depth and allowed to show more than just being Brando's combat support. Along with Pete and Gene, he shows that he had a family tragedy that marked him but he managed to carry it in the best way.

I really enjoyed drawing this scene and allowing Fan-Li to have a Christmas that would have made him very happy.

Until the next article!

*Disclaimer: *English is not my native language. Even when I have a conversational level, I can make a lot of mistakes in the structure of the sentences. Feel free to kindly correct me. It will help me in my learning process. Thanks for your understanding. **

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