Importance of customer service in companies.

in HiveVenezuela3 years ago


Greetings to all my dear readers and followers of this important community, continuing with my publications today I will share with you a very important topic in companies that provide customer service and this is essential because if you do not provide good service customers tend to withdraw and not return generating losses in the company.

The 21st century is characterized by technology, market demands, service quality and the trend towards customer satisfaction, which are exceeding the expectations of current organizations. In this dynamic, each company is obliged to adapt to these global trends, in order to provide quality services, optimize its productivity and profits, ensuring in turn, the permanence and competitiveness of the company and therefore the satisfaction of its users

From this perspective, customer service, given its subjectivity, is a key process for the achievement of total satisfaction of the customer's requirements and needs. Undoubtedly, the customer is a fundamental variable in the sales process and his satisfaction is a valuable tool to increase the company's income, since, in short, the customer is considered an asset, since he will probably use and/or buy the products again or simply give his opinion of the entity.


Customer service must therefore be based on quality standards in order to have a positive impact. In the economic and commercial sphere, quality represents an essential element in terms of comfort or discomfort that a company's consumers may feel. Therefore, quality is a component that reflects the customer's perceptions of specific dimensions of the service received. It is also directly related to the customer's needs and the corresponding services that meet those needs. Hence, the starting point of service quality is to understand the customer's requirements and to analyze ways of offering solutions that meet their needs. Consequently, service quality is a global or total process, in which the external and internal elements of the company are integrated, i.e., quality is everyone's business.

In the case of companies dedicated to the retail sale of high consumption products, such as food, perfumery, clothing, among other items, customer service must be effective and efficient so that the consumer feels satisfied with the service received, which translates into loyalty to the establishment. At present, these companies are called by different names, including supermarkets. According to Pujol (quoted by Hernández, 2008) they are "medium-sized establishments, self-service with a wide range of products marketed, including perishables, dry goods, cleaning and household products, with high rotation and the provision of services" (p.4). In other words, they are companies that handle high volumes of edible and non edible products, hence their importance for the community in general, since they must guarantee the commercialization of basic food for subsistence.

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Cierto y lo importante en el negocio es que los clientes se conviertan asiduos, y lo bueno tan bien, nos recomienden el producto o servicio.
Feliz lunes productivo.

Saludos, así mismo es amigo el negocio debe hacer que sus clientes mantengan la continuidad de visitar el local o emprendimiento, pues son estos los que hacen crecer nuestro negocio.

Hi @carlir

Customer service as a key process in achieving total satisfaction of customer requirements and needs, is something that any entrepreneur must consider if you want to succeed in your business.

Best regards, be well.

Hi @lupafilotaxia, certainly customer service is a fundamental element because if you keep a customer satisfied they will come back and that is what you generally want.