9" x 12" Acrylic Monoprint on Paper
9" x 12" Acrylic Monoprint on Paper - this one was actually on the plate when I got to it tonight but the photograph doesn't do it justice so I am not making it the "lead" image - although it is very cool...
9" x 12" Acrylic Monoprint on Vellum ...and this one was the ghost print from Moon - and there is even yet another ghost print on the plate right now - but I am leaving it over night...
Instructions for Today
This artwork will be started on June 25th, 2025 for the New Moon - Cancer - see how the moons go off - that's because there are supposed to be fewer months - Sept is 7, not 9, Oct is 8 not 10, Nov is 9 not 11, Dec is 10, not 12 - see how the powers that should not be have been slowly separating us from Nature for sooooo long - and it's all coming to fruition for them now...
These are "Cancer" and that's what I thought of - the Blues - and I did not have an idea for a stencil come to me today...Why is Cancer this constellation and also the name of the "disease" that "they" are using to conquer the collective? I don't know... more research must be done on this...
the blues are also not really captureable in digital...
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