Capricorn - Mystical Days Portal - For the Mustangs! Post 4

in Art.2 months ago (edited)


I have to say, that it does bother me that I go to Home Despot and buy "plywood" without thinking about where it comes from. Normally I would not do this - but only for this project - normally I would be using found materials and making do with what I have, but this is to raise money for the Mustangs so I really did not have time to source any found materials when I decided to do this project in November of 2024. I barely had time to figure out how I was going to do it.

It also bothers me to use Acrylic paint because it is derived from the blood of the Earth - OIL which humans are not supposed to touch.

Today I am probably going to Home Despot to get moulding to frame the piece...which bothers me.

I am also in the process of writing a "description of this project" for the Director so she can "market" the artwork.

Jordanna Anawait of Choice Tribe spoke at the Annual Great Escape November Fundraiser.


She spoke for Snowman,a former herd-leader, stallion who lost his eye in the Round Up and of course, was gelded, all on the same day, who told us to walk consciously on the earth paying attention to every step. I took this to heart.

What does this mean exactly? I asked myself.

Waking up to the presence of living nature in your own life.
How to do that?

I took it to mean that I must watch carefully every action that I take, of every moment of the day and night, and ask myself, who is being affected by every decision I make. Every action is a decision and ever action has a cause and an effect and I must analyze every single action and ask myself if I am being harmful or helpful, from the must mundane to the most complex.

I live in a system which is destroying Nature. My actions contribute to this destruction. I am agreeing to it. The plight of the mustang is also my plight.

I am the mustang, and the mustang is me.

The orderfollowers of the nefarious agenda on this planet are rounding me and my family up and stealing our land and enslaving us, jabbing us with toxins and traumatizing us, branding us and torturing us, and we are allowing it.

The mustangs plight is a mirror and I must become more conscious and prayerful in seeking to understand this situation and finding a way out of it before it is too late.

In addition, I must practice Natural Law – treat others the way I would like to be treated. Don’t steal. And do not co-conspire with those who steal through murder, rape, trespass, theft of property. Stand up for principle.

The whirled has it’s focus on “Materialism” – that is the nefarious agenda – cutting us off from Nature. Materialism is about stealing from one another competatively and without attention to our heart and what is right for all concerned. Denial of compassion. It is satanism – meaning – that it promises more than it can deliver – at the expense of freedom.

How do I do what Snowman asked, I asked myself?

I was a month away from the Winter Solstice, which is an extremely powerful time for the Earth itself. The Winter Solstice contains the energy necessary to birth the new year in Nature. Our Gregorian Calendar is for the Solar Cult – the Romans had a Lunar Calendar, and the Druids had an Earth focused Calendar, celebrating our home – Earth. Where we and the Mustangs reside together. How to bring focus back to that? Utilize the Winter Solstice Energies.

I intuited to utilize an ancient tradition of gathering the energy from the Portal of the Winter Solstice for the purpose of carrying out the will of Snowman.

First, I have to become conscious again of every moment and every action. Being so distracted and bombarded by EMF polution and chemtrail polution and Suncor Refinary Polution daily – this might be difficult.

Creativity is of Nature.

We humans are a connector between heaven and earth, between unity and duality. And the so is the Mustang as a mirror and our healers.

An artist has the gift to “draw” down the Aether into matter - wood, paper, using the “medium” of paint, chalk, graphite. To channel those spiritual energies into form – a gift from God – as I am created in His image.

A painting that contains these energies acts as a Portal itself to the viewer. It is a spiritual aid for meditation and works subtly upon the Aura to guide the viewer into alignment with Natural Law.

I look to those who venerate the Earth. The Druids. It was November 2rd.

“Coincidentally”, this was the last day of Samhuinn in the Druidic Traditional Calendar which takes into consideration the Earth’s Rhythm’s.

The veil between this world and the World of the Ancestors, which is the world that Snowman is speaking from, was drawn aside on these nights, and for those who were prepared, journeys could be made in safety to the ‘other side’.

This must have been, inadvertantly, an influence for this project, because I received an intuitive download to apply the Winter Solstice Portal energy while I sat and listened to Jordanna’s talk.

According to the Druids, “ This is the time of death and rebirth. The sun appears to be abandoning us completely as the longest night comes to us. Linking our own inner journey to the yearly cycle, the words of the Druid ceremony ask “Cast away, O wo/man whatever impedes the appearance of light.” In darkness we throw on to the ground the scraps of material we have been carrying that signify those things which have been holding us back, and one lamp is lit from a flint and raised up on the Druid’s crook in the East. The year is reborn and a new cycle begins, which will reach its peak at the time of the Midsummer Solstice, before returning again to the place of death-and-birth.”

The Solstice is the shortest and darkest day in the womb of the following year.

Scientifically - if you care about that (I do not)

The Winter Solstice is a key event in Earth's orbit, marking the shortest day and the longest night of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It occurs when the Earth’s axial tilt is farthest from the Sun, and it has a profound connection to Earth's position in space.

The Winter Solstice is an important astronomical event, marking the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, and the gradual lengthening of daylight that follows it.

Samhain (October 31 – November 2): A time of honoring ancestors, and preparing for the winter. The transition between light and dark is significant here, and it marks the start of the Druidic new year.

Imbolc (February 1-2): Celebrating the halfway point between winter and spring, Imbolc honors the awakening of life and fertility.

Spring Equinox (March 21-22): Spring full on.

Beltane (April 30 - May 1): A festival of fertility and fire, marking the start of summer and the blossoming of the natural world.

Summer Solstice (June 21-22): Light is at its maximum, and this is the time of the longest day. This is another very important day with another 11 days of Portal Energy to gather by the Artist.

Lughnasadh (August 1): A harvest festival celebrating the first fruits of the season and a time to give thanks for abundance.

Autumnal Equinox (September 21-22): Harvest time.

This is how the nefarious agenda that is separating us from Nature began it’s progress – by creating a calendar which did not follow the Earth’s Rhythms, but was more about the Solar Cult - the Sun.

The Roman Calendar, which only had 10 months was more closely aligned with the phases of the moon whereas the Gregorian Calendar added 2 months, January and February to more closely align with the Solar Year and the seasons.

The Druidic Way uses a Sun Dial and they are so closely tied to Nature that they know when the holidays are because they watch, listen, smell, feel. I felt this is Snowman’s request – that “we” become more observant of Nature.

Each individual person could do this with the Tree in their backyard. Go hug your tree every day and see what happens to you over the course of a year.
You would begin to follow Snowman’s instructions if you did this. People in the community who have horses and animals, may be more in step, but I live in the city – and so hugging my backyard tree and my cat and dog, daily helps me to receive information from Nature.

The Winter Solstice

**The Artist **gathers the energy from this energy portal of the Winter Solstice. Art created intentionally this way has more power in it than any other art and gives the viewer Spiritual rest. That is a purpose of Art - to give the viewer - spiritual renewal.

In the old days – when we were not bombarded by images constantly, art was for the “common man” – like Van Gogh’s work was for common people to rest and renew their spirit.

It also has gathered the potent vital energy of the Winter Solstice into itself and that energy permeates the interior of the place where the painting is hanging, subtly influencing the viewer through intuitive channels.

This Project:

So, I took Snowman’s message to heart, I drew down the energies from the Aether from December 21 through January 1. Then I used those energy infused elements to create artwork that aligns the viewer with Nature in the image of mustangs - the symbol of freedom, kindness, abundance, and healing.

I make the artwork in alignment with the Moon stages to reintegrate the lunar cycles beginning it on the New Moon and completing it in the last quarter.

According to the Mystical Days instructions and including some mystical teachings of ancient knowledge - Tarot, the Kabbalah, sacred geometry - and Nature Prayers for the Horses and from the Horses to us… I am attempting to make potent work that will bring wildness back into our lives through art and awaken that part of ourselves which has become too civilized.

Rudolf Steiner suggested that, beginning at the Winter Solstice (Dec. 21), these 12 days offer an opportunity for deep reflection and inner transformation, and that each day corresponds symbolically to each month of the coming year. The spiritual themes or meditative content of each day aligns with the 12 months of the year. In addition, I did double Capricorn for the following year’s December-January as a gateway for the new year.

Snowman was talking about us getting back into the rhythm of Earth. So, the Earth is the main focus – represented by the Mustangs, and other planets and constellations represent the Sun and Moon and the planetary influences but mainly, altogether, Natural Influences rather than materialistic influences, bringing that back in to our lives.

January – Capricorn – the piece I am currently working on, with the Full Moon coming up on Monday, January 13-14, made during the lunar cycle, which began December 30th with the New Moon, but incorporating the Astrological sun sign constellation as well as the Sea Goat Image of old, and an image of a horse which emulates that sign.
I will do something special on the piece on Monday honoring the Full Moon - when the culmination of the ideas of this project will be at it's peak... and perfectly timed.

Since I started this project, and I have downloaded all this energy into the house, I have been actively pursuing Energy Medicine upon myself and my husband, using the work of these Masters:


I have been having a personal full on deepening of spiritual understanding of Energy since I began working on this project. Wherever I turn, I get another way to look at it and do it.
As I watch the globalists restructure the United States for 15 minute cities using the elements for the Hunger Game Scenario - Fire and Wind and Water - I must find a deeper connection to the Creator. These assholes can't be fought in the physical realm - they must be fought spiritually - and Energy through the Astral Plane is how to do it.

photo_2025-01-11_09-18-39.jpgdetail showing iridescent silver

Capricorn is a Cardinal Earth Sign – which means it is a leader, nimble, hard working, creative and visionary but also practical. A rearing stallion came to mind. Ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitation because it is the last planet in our solar system which the ancients could see with the naked eye – therefore it is the “limit”.

Cosmic Birth and Renewal
This day marks the preparation for spiritual birth of the Son/Sun (Christ) being into the world of human consciousness. It’s a time to reflect on the cosmic significance of light and rebirth.
Focus: Renewal, the potential for spiritual awakening, and inner illumination.
The first day marks the beginning of the soul's renewal cycle. It’s a time of opening up to new possibilities and trusting the unknown. Just as The Fool steps into the unknown, we are invited to let go of past burdens and start afresh.
The artwork being large, takes an entire month to do, so keeps “me” focussed on each day of the month, and on the Lunar cycle as well as observing the days getting longer even though it’s colder.
Theme: A new beginning, innocence, and potential.

2nd Mystical Day: December 22; Aquarius
Related to February – February 1 is Imbolc in the Druid Tradition – honoring the first glimmer of Spring. Gather more energy from this portal to add into this artwork.
Begin the Artwork during New Moon; January 29 – Continue through the Full Moon – February 12 and on through the Last Quarter, before the next New Moon Contemplate Aquarius (Uranus and Saturn)

Chaos and Limitation -Soul and Spirit
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: This day is about beginning to recognize your inner resources and talents. The Magician teaches that everything you need for transformation is already within you. The focus is on self-empowerment and the potential to create your reality.

Once again, the horse is the connector between the Earth, the Sun and the Moon in this artwork, while drawing down the magical energies from the Winter Solstice Portal.
In the Lunar Calendar, of Roman times, March was the first month of the year.

3rd Mystical Day: December 23; Pisces
Related to March

Begin the Artwork during New Moon; Feb 27 – Continue through the Full Moon – March 14, and onward through the Last Quarter before the next New Moon.

Contemplate Jupiter and Neptune (Illusion and Mysticism)

Spring Equinox – (March 21-22) the time of equality of day and night, when the forces of the light are on the increase. Gather more energy from this portal to add into following artwork.

Self-Awareness and awareness of the Earth as signs of spring appear.
These days brings a focus on self-awareness and self-reflection, looking at strengths and weaknesses.
Focus: Awakening to our higher spiritual potential, cultivating clarity and understanding of self.

Theme: Intuition, wisdom, and the unconscious.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: Pisces encourages stillness, listening to your intuition, and trusting the inner voice that often guides in subtle, hidden ways.

April: 4th Mystical Day: December 24; Aries
Related to April
Begin the Artwork during New Moon; March 29 – Continue on through the Full Moon – April 12 and continue through the Last Quarter before the next New Moon.
Contemplate Mars

Humanity and Christ (The Sun/Son)
Reflecting on the birth of Christ and what it means for human evolution – He represents Natural Law – don’t steal. Respect all life.

Integration with Nature – Natural Law – Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Theme: Compassion, Love, Generosity

Practice: Engage in acts of kindness or simply meditate on love in its purest form—without condition, expectation, or attachment. Cultivate gratitude for the love in your life.
Theme: Nurturing, abundance, and creation.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: Nurturing and care, encouraging us to cultivate compassion, love, and gratitude in our lives, and to honor the natural abundance that surrounds us.

5th Mystical Day: December 25; Taurus
Related to May May 1st – Beltane - marks the time of our adolescence and early adulthood. Spring is in full bloom, and twin fires would be lit at this time,

Begin the Artwork during New Moon; April 27 – Continue through the Full Moon – May 12 and onward through the Last Quarter and up to the following New Moon.

Contemplate Venus, the planet of beauty and how beauty is reflected on Earth.

Celebrating the spiritual birth of right action and the potential to receive light into the soul.

Focus: Embracing the spiritual light and love Christ offers to all beings.
Theme: Discipline, Boundaries, Justice; Structure, authority, and stability.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: A turning point in the Mystical Days Portal, a time when we receive the light of wisdom. The principle of order, discipline, and leadership, calling for a balance of leadership and inner authority with love in our relationships and endeavors.

6th Mystical Day: December 26; Gemini
Related to June
Begin the Artwork during New Moon; May 26 – Continue through the Full Moon – June 11 and onward through the Last Quarter and up to the next New Moon.
Contemplate Mercury

Summer Solstice – June 21-22 – Gather more energy on substrates through the following 11 days – till July 2 to add into the artwork following.

The Birth of the Individual (which means undivided paradoxically - so sovereign and yet not separated from The All)

Reflecting on individualization and the development of unique human potential in relation to our Mother and our Father.
Focus: Personal growth, authenticity, and becoming who you are meant to be.
Theme: Balance, Inner Beauty, Integration; Tradition, guidance, and spiritual wisdom.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: This day focuses on connecting with higher guidance—whether through tradition, religion, or spiritual teachings. Seek Wisdom from the elders or spiritual leaders in our lives, as well as to connect with the traditions that ground us, while also being sure not to let other people or rituals stand in the place of our personal connection to the Divine.

photo_2025-01-11_09-18-32.jpgdetail of the Moon in the Capricorn painting showing iridescent silver

7th Mystical Day: December 27; Cancer
Related to July
Begin the Artwork during New Moon: June 25 – Continue through the Full Moon – July 10 and on through the Last Quarter before the next New Moon.
Contemplate the Moon
Will and Action
Strengthening willpower and resolve in the face of challenges, and finding inner courage to act on one's highest calling in relation to what is best for others and the earth.
Focus: The power of the will and how to align it with spiritual purpose.
Theme: Persistence, Willpower, Victory, Union, choices, and relationships.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: A time for reflecting on relationships and the choices we make that define them. Consider how we form connections and if we are of service to our fellows and how we align ourselves with our true purpose. It's also a call to balance our inner masculine and feminine energies.

8th Mystical Day: December 28; Leo
Related to August
Begin the Artwork during New Moon; : July 24– Continue on through the Full Moon – August 9 and through the Last Quarter before the following New Moon.
Contemplate the Sun

August 1 Lughnasadh -, which marks the beginning of harvest time. Gather more energy from this portal to add into this artwork.

Love and Compassion
Developing compassion and love for others, especially in difficult situations. Love as a transformative force.
Focus: The heart’s power to heal and unite.
Considering all of our relations.
Theme: Clarity, Humility, Gratitude

Practice: Contemplate the areas of your life where you can express more gratitude and humility. Reflect on how you can open yourself to divine beauty through greater receptivity, including Nature.
Theme: Willpower, determination, and victory.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: The energy of this day is about movement, direction, and harnessing one's will. Find inner strength and focus, pushing us toward our goals with confidence and resilience.

9th Mystical Day: December 29, Virgo
Related to September
Begin the Artwork during New Moon; August 23 – Continue through the Full Moon – September 7 and on through the Last Quarter
Contemplate Mercury

Wisdom and Insight
A time for deep reflection and inner wisdom, learning to listen to higher spiritual guidance.
Focus: Developing spiritual insight and discernment.
Theme: Courage, inner strength, and compassion.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: A time to connect with the deep well of inner strength that resides within us. Strength teaches us that true power is gentle and compassionate. On this day, we reflect on how we might transform challenges into opportunities for growth, while considering the effects upon all of those we effect – Nature and the Earth.

10th Mystical Day: December 30, Libra
Related to October
Begin the Artwork during New Moon: September 21 – Continue through the Full Moon – October 6 and onward through the Last Quarter
Contemplate Venus

Samhuinn (October 31 – November 2): Looking at the complete cycle, we shall begin at Samhuinn – a time which marked traditionally the ending and the beginning of the Celtic Year. A time to gather more energy for the artwork to be produced following.

Healing and Renewal
Reflecting on healing, both physically and spiritually, and understanding the transformative power of healing energy.
Focus: Inner healing and renewal of body, mind, and spirit. Earth is part of “the body”, we must include her in our consideration
Theme: Manifestation, Sovereignty
Theme: Solitude, introspection, and inner wisdom.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: As the days & days grow longer, introspection and meditation. This day invites us to retreat within, reflecting on what we have learned during the previous days & days and cultivating deeper spiritual insight.

11th Mystical Day: December 31 (New Year's Eve), Scorpio
Related to November
Begin the Artwork during New Moon: October 21 – Continue through the Full Moon – November 5 and onward through the Last Quarter
Contemplate Pluto and Mars
(Samhuinn) is still relevant

Sacrifice and Transformation
A time to reflect on the sacrifice required for spiritual growth and transformation, letting go of the past.
Focus: The willingness to release attachments and transform through inner sacrifice.
The Final Pathways (Unification and Renewal)
Themes: Unity, Divine Vision, Rebirth

Theme: Destiny, cycles, and change.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: The end of the year is symbolized by the Wheel of Fortune, a time to reflect on the cycles of life, luck, and the unfolding of destiny. This day teaches us that life moves in cycles, and we are constantly being carried along by forces beyond our control, inviting us to embrace change and trust in the process.

12th Mystical Day: January 1 (New Year's Day), Sagittarius
Related to December – Winter Solstice once again, to start again… (December 21-22)

Begin the Artwork during New Moon: November 13 – Continue through the Full Moon – December 4 and onward through the Last Quarter
Contemplate Jupiter

The New Beginning
Reflecting on new beginnings and the intention to live in alignment with one’s spiritual ideals for the coming year.
Focus: Setting intentions for the new year, spiritual resolution, and commitment to spiritual goals.
Theme: Balance, fairness, and truth.
Connection to Mystical Days Portal: The final Mystical Day focuses on the themes of fairness and self-reflection. Aign our actions with truth, equity, and fairness, both toward others and within ourselves. It’s a moment of self-assessment as we prepare to step into the new year.
Action upon the Earth and all of Her creatures.

I may make all the other smaller "prints" into paintings by mounting them on wood to increase their value.

Here's the Background Info:

Previous Posts

Capricorn Painting Post 3:

Capricorn Painting Post 2:

Capricorn Painting Post 1:

Day 12,

Day 11,

Day 10,

Day 9,

Day 8

Day 7,

Day 6:

Day 5,

Day 4,

Day 3,

Day 2:

Day 1:

#SaveTheMustangs #WildHorseConservation #MustangLife #MustangFreedom #WildHorseHeritage #AmericanMustang #FreeRoamingMustangs #MustangSpirit #WildHorseNation #MustangSanctuary #ProtectWildMustangs #WildMustangProtection #BLMRoundup, #greatescapemustangs, #MustangAdvocacy, #MustangsOfTheWest, #WildAndFree, #WildMustangs, #FreeRoamingMustangs,