Art galleries are not really my thing, I appreciate art and I love sketching and painting for myself, but I hardly ever visit exhibitions. Many pieces of the highest rated art I've seen haven't really grabbed me by the heart and screamed "Buy Me".
That changed a while ago when I wondered into an art and craft shop more to waste time while I was waiting for a cup of coffee than to get lost in a visual masterpiece. This shop though, was completely not what I was expecting and I sneakily took out my phone to document some of the pieces that I really liked. I'm a nature person, so of course, that's what drew me in. There were also many large tree landscapes, intricately sketched, but those weren't the ones I wanted to capture.

These ones I liked because they were a bit different, a bit weird and obviously took a long time to complete. These tortoise sketches with succulents on their backs were very Terry Pratchett looking and each petal that has colour is made out of the sheets of an atlas that have been meticulously cut out to the perfect shape.
Then there were these little bell jars with tiny little nature scenes preserved inside. They couldn't have been taller than 20cm but I really wanted to take one home. After looking at the price tag I decided that I really didn't want to take one home lol.

The most awesome part of this little accidental wandering was that before I left this shop, I went and spoke to the lady at the counter and told her that I was in awe of the gorgeous collection of nature inspired art and crafts. She took the compliment graciously and I could see that it made her feel proud. I don't know if she owns the place but clearly she is heavily invested in it.

When I walked out I was filled with an absolute need and burning desire to draw, paint, craft, sketch and just make something pretty. It hasn't left me since and I'm planning on purchasing some proper paper supplies to make it happen. I can't do it on normal paper, I want to do it on something that will last, that's acid free and that won't fade, warp or go weird in five years. I have no idea what I'm going to sketch or paint yet, but it's going to be colourful and detailed.
Art is a funny thing, sometimes I look at a painting and it just doesn't do anything for me, sometimes I look at something and it's as if the artist is speaking directly into my soul.

We all get our inspiration from different places, where do you get yours?
I can imagine what your gallery would look like
It would be very beautiful
Awesome pictures!
Thanks, I think you're right, it would be full of nature related art.