Hey Jesus!
In 2024, I met you virtually and I catch full vibes with you. I resonate with your smile face. I wish this smile remain alive forever. I am happy to know that in May you married your best friend, best woman of your life and companion. But, at the same time, a chill of sorrow ran through my spine when I read about death of her father in July. So sorry about that.
Otherwise, I always have seen you entrenched in music and concerts. A lively and vibrant person with a beautiful smile on the face.
I wish your 2025 would be an amazing year along with your wife. Ameen.
My wife and I have been going through some very strong emotions these past few years, but I think it is time to learn to live with it, being happy despite what is in our hearts. We have to try to be positive so that things go well. Thank you for coming into my life brother, there are a lot of nice people in Hive, and I'm glad that the good ones come to me...