Maybe years pass like lightning

in Throwback Thursday3 months ago

I am not sure if I am following the rules of this community, Throwback Thursday, with this post. The point is to remember an event, person, situation or place from the past that was significant or interesting... Post pictures from the past while talking about it and remembering... but maybe also the differences in how we see the same things or events now.

History is often subjective because although facts should be interpreted objectively, people who write history are humans after all. Emotions play an important role in all our thoughts and activities but time helps to see facts in a slightly more objective way, from a distance. Sometimes it takes many years to really understand what the real reason was for certain events we lived through. No, it probably doesn't lose its weight and importance, it simply changes the perspective. On the other hand, years can fly by too quickly, like lightning. The environment changes in an instant, or so it seems to us. I was surprised and touched by the scenery I saw today, in a very familiar place to me...


So, why do I think that maybe this is not the appropriate form in which I present today's post? Well, I hope the admin will clarify my doubts, as the thing is that I took these pictures today, but they still show a place I have visited many, many times in the past and it looked different.

Sierra Helada was our hill, our greenery that breathed for this little town. Today I no longer live there, I recently moved and our little hill has changed too.

These two photos were taken a few years ago when green trees surrounded our walks to the lighthouse. The paths were protected by the trees in this way:

...and what I saw today almost broke my heart. I went there to have my lunch with a view between the morning and afternoon lessons and then I heard the sound of the chainsaws. This year, the drought hit these hills hard, actually the trees. Many, many conifers simply dried up due to lack of water and the hills turned brown. I have already mentioned this in some of my posts these months. The trees now look like this:



I heard the chainsaws from the distance and walked a bit closer to the works that the sign announced. There were 8 or 9 workers, cutting down the dead trees. I suppose it is a job that has to be done as the dried-up trees can fall and harm the people who walk every day here.


The sight left me impacted. I am not used to seeing the Sierra Helada in this state, dried up, but I know this has to be done. All these brown trees will have to be cut down, and hopefully, new, young trees will be planted in their place.



Everything is cyclical, like our life. And on a global scale, nothing is different. This hill that I remember as a place I loved a lot will recover, I have no doubt, although the damage is great and it could take many years for it to become green again. But it eventually will recover, because the dying of these trees may contribute to fertile soil for the next, even more beautiful green woodland.






Hi @mipiano. Everything is cyclical, like our life. I totally agree with this universal law. We see it at all levels of existence, from the molecular level to the largest that can be seen in the physical world. Thanks to it, our tissues and our hemoglobin, is renewed every so often, to fulfill the vital functions of day to day life. Interesting post. Greetings

Yes, we see this at all levels of existence, you are right. Thank you for your additional input, it indeed is the way how life works. Gracias y un saludo 😇

It's sad how everything has changed, how what it was is no longer... a year ago a tornado hit the city where I was born, not a single tree was left, according to what I was told... it looks like a desert. Could it be that nature takes its toll on what we do? I don't know, but I don't like to see the trees like this.

Oh, a tornado in your hometown? Omg, sorry to hear that. Nature will regenerate herself, with or without us on this planet 😅

It was exactly one year ago, not a single tree was left in any park, the city was unrecognisable. Nature always knows, it can't be blamed for anything... man does bad things...

It's something that breaks the heart of anyone who sees it, going from a beautiful green to one that dries up over time. Yeah it all goes back to the cycle of natural factors that we can't predict. Hopefully Sierra Helada will soon recover and be green again ❤️

A reminder of how cycles in nature and everything exit. Thank you @nurfay, it will be green again, I also hope :)

I don't see rule broken here. What I do see is another great story developed by you, my good friend. Nice opening but even better ending.

Thank you @chris-chris92 😇 Well, @jesuslnrs didn't say anything whether I broke the rules or not, so I also guess it was ok hahaha

Believe me all your posts are a delight for those of us who love to read, and you can do whatever you want, you are the great MIPIANO ❤️ Te quiero mucho amiga, feliz Jueves 🙏 (Justo te estoy mencionando en un párrafo de mi post de hoy) 😅

and you can do whatever you want

haha, 😂

cool to know :D

Feliz jueves Jes. De momento estoy leyendo posts de Hive amigos pero también tengo en planes publicar algo en TBT. A ver si llego 😅

The best thing about nature is that it always grows and flourishes even against odds, just as you say, life is a cycle and to appreciate the spring days, we must go through the winter first, beautiful landscapes.

After the winter and death new life will come, that is the law indeed :)

These lands are full of many concerns and remind me of my local hot springs and how much I miss them.

That is also sad when local springs disappear... Natural resources that we should preserve

There is an indiscriminate use of land in search of resources and therefore decreasing causes of water among wildlife and other things that happen because of certain emotions, you can't get the idea out of your head.

There is an indiscriminate use of land in search of resources and therefore decreasing causes of water among wildlife and other things that happen because of certain emotions, you can't get the idea out of your head..

Nothing last forever...nature changes!
Everything Will be beautiful again...

Oh, Freddy once asked Who wants to live forever
I know nature will recover 😇

A veces la naturaleza toma represalias en manera cruel...
Y a la vez ella nos pregunta, ¿esto es lo que querías?
Los humanos padecen de ser ciegos a la visión global