While rummaging through some boxes, looking for old photos, I came across an album, long forgotten.
Album with photos taken a quarter of a century ago.
Photos that I made for myself in the days when I was serving military service.
In the days when for myself and old friends who are on them, I can use the name of the famous film "We were soldiers", with the fact that we were soldiers in peacetime conditions.
The period I spent in the army did not leave a traumatic experience for me, as it did for some people around me who were not used to discipline, obedience and work.
It was perfectly acceptable for me to get up every morning at 5:00 a.m. for those 9 months, make the bed I slept in, do morning gymnastics, go through training grounds, clean my weapons and listen to the officers.
For this reason, from the time of military service, I remember some interesting events, camaraderie, as well as all types of weapons that I encountered 🙂
The camaraderie I gained with the guys from my squad lasted many years later, and I'm still in contact with some of them.
We are all adults now, with our families, jobs and obligations, we live in different parts of the country, but thanks to social networks, we can sometimes meet, even if virtually.
A few years after I finished my military service, the country, with a weakened economy and the wrong direction to go, decided to abolish mandatory military service for all men.
The young generation rejoiced at that decision, because they did not find themselves in a situation to "lose" 6 or 9 months or a year of their lives, not realizing that only in the army, where there are authorities, they can acquire very important habits, knowledge and qualities that will to be determined later in life. In the army, a young man becomes a man. That's how it used to be.
That's why today we have young people who don't even know how to hold a snow shovel in their hands (not to mention a shovel, an ax or a pickaxe), who don't know how to fight floods, for whom everything is difficult, for whom it's cold, who don't know what it means "put your hand in the fire" to help someone.
How terrible it would be for them to be on guard duty in a dark, cold winter night when the temperature is far below zero, to fire an automatic rifle, enter a tank, throw a bomb or under full military equipment and additional ammunition, which in total adds up to 30 kg of weight on a soldier's back, spends the whole day marching in strong sun or heavy rain...?
And me and my generation, who was in the army? We know that.
We know what it's like when you don't betray your fellow soldier who sneaked out of the dormitory and barracks to see a girl, when you share your meal or water with another soldier, when you carry your wounded comrade on your shoulders out of the mud and water...
What is the situation with you? Is military service mandatory in your country, or does your country produce untrained, military-unfit people from their youth?
Were you in the army and do you have any pictures from that period?
On this occasion, if my "comrades" ever come across this post, I greet: Acu, Pedja, Djoleta, Emja, Jara, Miki...
with the lyrics of Djordje Balasevic's song "A u vojsci sam stekao druga do groba i hroničnu upalu zgloba, suvenir na stražarske dane (And in the army I made friends to the grave and chronic joint inflammation,
souvenir of the guard days)"
I share with you in #TBT these photos as a long-ago memory...
Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you
All photos are my property (photographs on paper) taken with a mobile phone
The photos are very cool my friend, certainly the military service helps to develop skills that help to adult life and to be useful for society; in my country that was extinct many years ago already, that is not for everyone, I never participated in it because when I reached the age of service it did not exist. My dad did and in fact he went to the military academy because he wanted to make a professional career there.
Very cool anecdotes that you tell my friend, they are unforgettable life experiences 🤜🤛.... You Rockkk! 👍😎🔥📸❤️
Thanks 🙂
My father told me even more interesting stories when he was in the army.
The only thing is that we did not continue our career in the army. I served my military service near the end of the age limit, when I had already determined my professional path (and I was too old for the military academy 😀).
Unlike me, who spent 9 months, my father's military service lasted a year and a half.
Lol, it actually has like 1960's vibe :))
I'm not that old 😀
Uniforms were different at that time (1960)
Well, I am no expert in that field :))
Dobre fotke, ali brate, jebeš vojsku!
Slažem se, pogotovo danas, kad nam je država u k... sa ovakvim vodjama 🤮
Zapravo, da se točnije izrazim:
Jebeš sve vojske svih država, a još bolje - jebeš sve države svijeta! 😉
i granice, i vize... 🙂
Tako je! 😅