Hola Hola gente del #TBT ¿Cómo están? espero que muy bien y que reciban un año lleno de mucha felicidad, salud y éxitos, hoy vengo con unas fotos que tomé hace tiempo en una zona muy bonita de la plaza Bolívar de un pueblo al oeste del Estado Carabobo en Venezuela, se llama Montalbán, y allí vive casi toda mi familia paterna y también algunos primos de mi mamá. Recuerdo que me gustó mucho esta zona porque es muy colorida ya que tiene flores de todos los tamaños, colores y variedades.

In another part of the square there is also an arch with many flowers, so I didn't want to miss the opportunity to take pictures there too, here I wanted them to be more natural and that's why I didn't retouch them like the previous ones, in which I highlighted the warm and pink tones to give them a more bohemian look. I like this area of the square because it is super quiet and transmits a lot of peace, besides, for obvious reasons it attracts a lot of birds, especially hummingbirds.
En otra parte de la plaza hay un arco también con muchas flores, así que no quise perder la oportunidad de tomar fotografías allí también, aquí quise que fuesen más naturales y por eso no las retoqué como las anteriores, en las cuales resalté los tonos cálidos y rosas para darles una apariencia más bohemia. Me gusta esta zona de la plaza porque es super tranquila y trasmite mucha paz, además, por obvias razones atrae bastante a los pájaros, en especial a los colibries.

And well, people, that's all for today's post, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much as always for supporting my work, I welcome new readers, I love you all very much, I send you a hug and I'll see you in another post.
Y bueno, gente, esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Muchas gracias como siempre por apoyar mi trabajo, le doy la bienvenida a los nuevos lectores, les quiero mucho a todos, les envío un abrazo y ya nos encontraremos en otro post.

I made the cover and farewell image in Canva
Hello Hello people of #TBT How are you? I hope you are very well and receive a year full of happiness, health and success, today I come with some pictures I took some time ago in a very nice area of the Bolivar square of a town west of Carabobo State in Venezuela, is called Montalban, and there lives almost all my paternal family and also some cousins of my mom. I remember that I liked this area very much because it is very colorful because it has flowers of all sizes, colors and varieties.La imagen de portada y despedida la realicé en Canva.
These types of flowery places are usually my favorite places to hang out too. Image the sound of the birds as you were taking this little setion of photos, good thing you didn't pass up the opportunity to posterize it with the camera and your poses. Thanks for sharing your memories on #tbt Thursdays...
Yes, it is a very comfortable place, it fascinates me, I think it is the most beautiful point in the square, it is as a friend of mine would say, it is a very Instagram place, although I would say "it is perfect for #Hive" 😃 Thank you very much for reading and commenting the post. 😉