Drone Aerial Photography - Take a walk to the beach in the morning

in Drone9 months ago

Hello Hiver in Photography Community Lover

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are

This morning, I stepped foot again on the beach not far from home. I had planned this visit since the night before, because it had been a long time since I captured the moment of sunrise on the beach. However, that morning the weather was a little different. The cloudy sky covered the sun, so the beach atmosphere felt different compared to when it was sunny. I'm sure, if the sun shines, the beach panorama will be much more stunning.

Pagi hari ini, aku kembali melangkahkan kaki ke pantai yang tak jauh dari rumah. Kunjungan ini sudah aku rencanakan sejak malam sebelumnya, karena sudah lama aku tak mengabadikan momen matahari terbit di pantai. Namun, pagi itu cuaca sedikit berbeda. Langit mendung menutupi mentari, sehingga suasana pantai terasa berbeda dibandingkan saat cerah. Aku yakin, jika matahari bersinar, panorama pantai akan jauh lebih memukau.

The still cool morning air accompanied my steps. In the distance, you can see fishermen busy with their routine of fishing using nets. As can be seen in the photos I shared, they pulled the net rope anchored into the sea with enthusiasm, and then pulled it to land.

Udara pagi yang masih sejuk menemani langkahku. Di kejauhan, terlihat para nelayan yang tengah sibuk dengan rutinitas mereka mencari ikan menggunakan jaring. Seperti yang terlihat pada foto-foto yang aku bagikan ini, mereka menarik tali jaring yang dilabuhkan ke laut dengan penuh semangat, dan kemudian menariknya ke daratan.

Even though this was my first drone flight at the beach in the morning, I really enjoyed it. On this occasion, I want to share stories about traditional fishing culture in my place. In contrast to technological developments that offer fishermen convenience in catching fish, in my place, fishermen still faithfully use traditional methods, namely with a tool commonly called "Tarek Pukat". This method has been passed down since ancient times and is believed to be able to preserve the marine ecosystem.

Meskipun ini adalah penerbangan drone pertamaku di pantai pada pagi hari, aku sangat menikmatinya. Di kesempatan ini, aku ingin berbagi cerita tentang budaya nelayan tradisional di tempatku. Berbeda dengan perkembangan teknologi yang menawarkan kemudahan bagi nelayan dalam menangkap ikan, di tempatku, para nelayan masih setia menggunakan cara tradisional, yaitu dengan alat yang biasa disebut "Tarek Pukat". Cara ini telah diwariskan sejak zaman dahulu dan dipercaya mampu menjaga kelestarian ekosistem laut.

Hopefully these photos and my short story can provide information and inspiration for readers. Enjoy the beauty of the beach through my photos!

Semoga foto-foto dan cerita singkatku ini dapat memberikan informasi dan inspirasi bagi para pembaca. Selamat menikmati keindahan pantai melalui foto-fotoku!

logo hive loen.png

All Picture Taken With DJI MAVIC AIR 2 And Sony A7 II Camera
Instagram,Facebook, Gurushot, Twitter, my channel youtube


Great series!!! Love it! ;-)

Manually curated by scroogergotchiheroes.com from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Excellent photographic work, I am delighted to see this!... Thanks for sharing @my451r!

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Nice shots. What kind of drone are you using?

EDIT: Found the drone model in the footer, haha...