Drone Aerial Photography - Stories and Photos from a Fun Camping Trip with Environmental Journalists

in Dronelast month

Hello, fellow members of the Drone community! Today, I'm once again going to show you some of the photos I took with my DJI Mavic Air 2 drone camera

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Hi hi! I'm back here! As usual, I will share stories and some photos that I took using my drone camera. This time, I want to share some photos from one of the nature camping attractions that I visited a few weeks ago.

Hai hai! Aku kembali di sini! Seperti biasa, aku akan membagikan cerita dan beberapa foto yang aku ambil menggunakan kamera drone milikku. Kali ini, aku ingin berbagi beberapa foto dari salah satu objek wisata perkemahan di alam yang aku kunjungi beberapa minggu lalu.

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I went there with my environmental journalist friends to camp and do social activities, namely cleaning plastic waste along the river near where we camped.

Aku pergi ke sana bersama teman-teman jurnalis lingkungan untuk berkemah sekaligus melakukan kegiatan sosial, yaitu membersihkan sampah plastik di sepanjang aliran sungai dekat tempat kami berkemah.

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As we know, plastic waste can damage the environment if not managed properly. Therefore, I joined my environmental journalist friends to help protect nature.

Seperti yang kita ketahui, sampah plastik dapat merusak lingkungan jika tidak dikelola dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, aku bergabung dengan teman-teman jurnalis lingkungan untuk membantu menjaga alam.

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In addition to camping activities, environmental journalists also provide education to the surrounding community about the importance of protecting the environment, especially in managing plastic waste. Plastic waste not only pollutes the environment, but can also cause flooding during the rainy season.

Selain aktivitas berkemah, para jurnalis lingkungan juga memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat sekitar tentang pentingnya menjaga lingkungan, terutama dalam mengelola sampah plastik. Sampah plastik tidak hanya mencemari lingkungan, tetapi juga bisa menyebabkan banjir saat musim hujan tiba.

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Okay, back to the main purpose of this post. This time, I did not show photos when the journalists did social service, but only shared some photos of the beauty of the place where we camped at that time.

Baiklah, kembali ke tujuan utama dari postingan ini. Kali ini, aku tidak menampilkan foto saat para jurnalis melakukan bakti sosial, melainkan hanya membagikan beberapa foto keindahan tempat kami berkemah saat itu.

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Well, here are some photos that I present in this post. Hope you like it! I promise, in the next post I will write more complete and detailed about this experience.

Nah, ini dia beberapa foto yang aku sajikan pada postingan kali ini. Semoga kalian menyukainya! Aku berjanji, pada postingan selanjutnya aku akan menulis lebih lengkap dan detail tentang pengalaman ini.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this post!

Terima kasih sudah membaca, dan aku berharap kalian menyukai postingan ini!

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All Picture Taken With Drone DJI MAVIC AIR 2 Camera

Drone photography has changed the perspective and allows access to incredible views. I did not know the work of environmental journalists and as you explain you do a necessary job to raise awareness of the importance of taking care of nature. I imagine that the drone camera also helps you find plastics in areas where you can't see with your eyes. The camp site is beautiful, with so much vegetation and the current of the river, you will surely enjoy an incredible few days.

I have picked this post on behalf of the @OurPick project! Check out our Reading Suggestions posts!

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Environmental journalists are a group of journalists from various media who join an organization that covers and educates the public through the media about the environment, the environment covering various problems such as elephant conflicts with humans, forest damage, sea damage and other things about preserving the environment. That is the picture that I can convey. I hope you understand it.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!



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