What is RD?
Putting money in the bank is just for the sake of it and it should be expected to decrease due to bank charges and money losing value.
I think it's best we continue looking for risk-free or low risk ways to increase our money
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
RD is a recuring deposit (the interest rate is only 5.9 % yearly ).
ye putting money back is not really a good idea I will keep my money in HBD saving it is really worth it 20 % is not a bad deal at all for sure.
Okay thanks will read more on RD.
Definitely HBD better than the banks, you're not going to get 20% APR from the banks.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Yes that is like an sip 😜, but the minimum period is 1 year and Max can be upto 15 to 20 years with interest of 5.9. yes hbd savings is best for sure.