The Driveway Saga Season 4: Episode: 4 - "2022 and we had some more snow"

in Just Because3 years ago
January 22nd, 2022
Temperature 36F/2C

One Month and 12 days later

It has been quite awhile since we had enough snow to be plowed out. The last event was on December 11th, 2021. On Thursday we had about 2 inches of very light snow, on Friday we woke to 3 inches of very wet and heavy snow. Total stuff left on the ground from all the micro snow falls and the melt downs of the last 6 week left about 8 inches in/on the driveway. A lot of that was smashed down from routine driving in and out.

I think it was mostly the very wet snow that brought the plow operators out on Friday evening. I am glad they did come, it was getting pretty hard to get in and out of the car.

View from in front of where I park:

Front View
You can barely see the upside down burn barrel pretty much right in the center of the picture. Not much of a snow hat on top of it maybe 4 inches if that. Friday the temperatures started to climb and it looks like we will be in the 36-38 degree range for the next three days.

We have already had a little bit of light drizzle, (rain) and more is expected over the next two days before it starts to cool again on Tuesday afternoon.

The view from behind where I park:

Looking from behind where I park
As you can see the warmer weather is beginning to take a toll on the driveway and soon it may become an ice rink.

Okay last shot coming up a view of the circle part of the driveway.

The circle part of the driveway

Normally I would walk out and get a picture of the in and out part of the driveway, but the ice was beginning to get a little bit slippery and I really can not afford to fall on the ice and then have to crawl back to where I could stand again.

So far this season it seems we have not had a lot of snowfalls that have a chance to accumulate. At least it saves on the snow plowing bills for this season, but the on again off again warm weather has been keeping the repair shops in business. When it comes to barely above to barely below freezing ice on the roads becomes a real hazard.

Even though we have only had to be plowed three times we are getting some pretty good piles of snow.

Season links

Season 4 Pilot/Episode 1
Season 4 Episode 2
Season 4 Episode 3
Season 4 Episode 4

At the end of Season 4 Pilot episode you will find links to all the previous episodes.

Tiny Picture links back to my blog:


It's just a token idea playing on words and my thoughts of Crypto and how inflated it is. But the theory we use now works with it lol.

Bombastic. Inflated.

I try never to drive out on snowy or icy roads. I don't feel comfortable on it, but we don't really get that much here.

I'm sure if I had grown up or lived a long while in a place where nearly the entire winter was frozen, I would learn to be more confident in maneuvering on it.

I don't mind so much driving on/in it, but I am growing more and more careful on it. One day we may live in a snow and ice free zone, but I think that is still a bit off in the distance of time.

That's a big driveway. It must be challenging when it turns to ice. You could wear skates and play hockey on that lol

I am glad we were able to find a good plow guy, There is no way I could shovel that much any longer, I used to be able to or use a snowblower, but no-a-days no way. It takes a truck and a plow.

I am no longer stable enough on my feet to skate, weak ankles and weak leg muscles any more.

It's good that you have a someone to help out then. It's much harder of a job when the snow is wet as well

So awesome. This kind of weather is so different to anything I've seen in person.

In South Africa here and would love to experience your kind of weather and see it with my own eyes. It's rather beautiful...

One of the very nice things about Hive, getting to see peoples area from peoples eyes instead of mass media eyes.

Yeah :)

I'm loving the intimate peeks into other people's worlds all over the globe. It's pretty wonderful. And the humanness... instead of just the memes, news and politics on Fakebook!

Much better!

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 89 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

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Nice post sir

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