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RE: I am all in... Premium, Tribaldex and Leodex

I have always felt that we should use primarily our intellect, but it should be tempered with emotions like empathy and kindness, recognizing it sometimes will be effected by greed, jealousy or envy.

This is the human condition, one plagued by both brilliance and stupidity, empathy, joy, kindness, plus indifference, meaness and cruelty.

We are capable of all these things, but our genes, our parents, friends and those whom we love influence us greatly, as to we actually become the person we are, probably flawed, but hopefully relatively good..


Everything is very individual, for example, thinking about how Gerald Durell realized his dream and became the owner of the largest zoo, then, without emotions for animals, about which you can read a lot in his book Zoo in my luggage, his intellect and deep knowledge of zoology would be a dry cracker that he could not wash down with tea.
Or another example, unnatural, only emotions comparable to excitement made the blind Schliemann continue to search for Troy and he found it. These are just two examples of the success of people, intellectuals, who were overwhelmed with emotions.