A Father And Son's Journey Begins Again - God Of War: Ragnarok

in Gaming Photography3 months ago (edited)


Kratos feared the worst to come, Odin and Thor finally came after them. After a clash with Thor, they eventually decided to leave their home, and Midgard. But on foot. Their path took them eventually to the giant's mural, where the visions come to life.

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Atreus insists on joining the fight, but Kratos still fears he is not ready. Especially after he turned into a giant bear. Sindri leads them to his new Yggdrasil tree house from the Mystic Gateway.

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Once they take their leave, Sindri lead them to their dwarven home of Svarthelheim. Mimir tries to find a middle-ground, as well as appease Kratos paternity duty. But it was very clear that Atreus wants to go to war against the Aesirs and Odin.

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Finding their towards the dwarven town of Nidavellir, though the locals seem to be afraid.

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When Odin's statue is in the town square, there's some insinuation that his presence is made to be noticed and probably impose upon the dwarves. Not a lot of good history between them.

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Right after Sindri assists them, providing them a useful compass, they go look for Durlin.

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Skittish from their visit, Durlin tentatively informed them of Odin's place, and how they plan to move forward with Ragnarok. Yet, he does not feel strong about crossing the All-Father.

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A Dreki comes in our way, father and son locks in to engage with a fearsome foe.

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As we follow Durlin's lead to the abandoned Jarnsmida Pitmines, Atreus seems to show more confidence in how he communicates with his father. While also reaffirming again that he shouldn't have anything to worry about. Though, the creatures attacked our car, before landing on a troll.

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Somehow, Atreus continues his effort in convincing his father that Tyr might be alive, though as they dived deeper into the mines, they came across the Aesirs in their way. Many stories were told by Mimir, especially parts about how Odin pressured the dwarves to make more weapons, affecting their quality in craftsmanship. Before it all ended, they have indeed found Tyr.

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