Pack Man.

in Gaming Photography9 months ago

Franklin goes back to his hometown to work with Lamar where Trevor joined and its about smuggling some cars for Devin Westin. Then Franklin started thinking about Michael and I guess we'll get to save our man soon.

I had the option to play only as Franklin or as Trevor as Michael was kidnapped by the Japanese from North Yankton, thanks to Trevor. And I decided to play as Franklin and it looks like this missions starts from his hometown at Strawberry.

As soon as I reached the place, Lamar called me and said he jacked the last ride on the list and asked me if I was ready to go or not. Lamar asked me to meet him by Glass Heroes.

I had to collect the Pegassi Monroe that Lamar was holding for me at the back of the repair shop there and as soon as I reached there, he went inside and asked me to drive.

I liked driving this sports car. I had to take the car to the garage at La Mesa, I didn't have any idea why but I kept driving it for the sake of the mission.

There I was surprised seeing Trevor waiting for us with the big cargo track having some super cars loaded and it looked like we were about to smuggle these beautiful cars to somewhere or to someone.

I had to load the Pegassi on the truck and then both Lamar and Franklin joined Trevor and they started riding the truck.

It was technically me as Trevor driving the truck when both Franklin and Lamar became my assistants there and they started gossiping on this drive.

Franklin was asking how much time they were going to need to reach the delivery point and Trevor replied its about 4 hours drive and hearing that, Franklin started sleeping as if he didn't have sleep for decades.

I was also wandering about the time frame (4 hours drive) so I checked the map and it looked like he was not wrong, I mean it could be 4 hours in game time if I'd drive in average speed as the drop point was far far away from where we started the journey.

As Franklin was in deep sleep, Trevor talked to Lamar about Michael as Lamar was asking about him and he was not saying anything good about our gentleman.

Suddenly a police car started chasing us activating siren so Trevor woke Franklin up and the nigga decided to use the JB700 and get rid of them if I can keep the truck in steady so he jumped out of the door and was climbing to the truck and towards the JB700 that was loaded at the last position on the upper row.

I was trying to check this scene in the cinematic mode to capture cool pictures which made me lose the mission for couple times as I couldn't keep the truck on route. Then Franklin at last entered in the JB700 and hit the road.

The car has mounted guns at the front that I can use to shoot the cars ahead of the and it has spikes at the back that I could drop to mess the tries of the police cars. This police chase continued for a moment when they kept chasing us one after another and I kept damaging their car till they stopped following us.

Franklin called Molly, the assistant of Weston over phone and said they were about to reach the spot and also said the police incident and Moly was not surprised knowing it as the insurance companies has been pressurizing them to find Franklin since the studio break in.

Moly said she was waiting at some Procopio Truck Shop and asked us to get there soon and now I had to follow the truck to the drop-off point and I did till we reached the spot.

Molly was waiting for us there and when I sent Franklin to meet her, she was saying it was not best for Franklin and Trevor to be seen together for a while and then Franklin asked about the money.

What I understood from what Molly described, we'd need to fight this Devin Westing to get our payment otherwise he won't be giving us a penny though Molly said its on hold and she left with the truck leaving me as Franklin behind. Trevor and Lamar just followed her like a puppet.

The mission was passed and Franklin called Lester to talk about Michael as he was out of touch. Lester replied that Michael's phone is offline, his credit cards aren't active which is aberrant behavior. He also mentioned that the last usage was of his credit card was for a flight to North Yankton and then there was a signal from his phone back in Los Santos which means he is kept somewhere in Los Santos.

As Lester suggested Franklin to talk to Trevor about it, Franklin asked him to send Trevor over to his aunt's crib.

You're welcome to see more of my GTA V moments later. If you wish me to talk about specific parts or places of this game then you may ask me and I'll try to talk about it.


The cars in this video game look amazing, I love the yellow car, it looks like it runs very fast.

 9 months ago  

You're right. I'd say, they look far better than realism. Riding the yellow car was fun, its a super car if I'm not wrong. Thanks for stopping by.

Great cars you got there on the truck. Good luck with finding Michael. @tipu curate 8

 9 months ago  

Thank you for stopping by with your feedback and support. Those are some top-notch cars from this game and I just wish I could hold onto one of them.