Did I get the Wrong Guy? - Days Gone.

in Gaming Photography3 months ago

The chemist Weaver from the Wizard Island has been asking for some Polystyrenes for a long time so I decided to help him out now that Sarah didn't have anything for me for the time being. But it turned out the mission was not so polished so I thought I'd not talk about this one. Later, I found another un-polished mission so I decided to talk about both in one post and here we are.

Looking or the Polystyrenes, I reached this lumber mill area where I found a group of Newts that attacked me so I had to shoot them all down.

And suddenly there came a pack of wolf that tried to hunt me so I jumped on the car as I knew they won't attack me there. Then I shot the wolves down and I noticed some Marauders around, I shot them down as well.

I reached the location where I should found the Polystyrenes and the spot was filled with crows nests so I started burning them down first. But suddenly I noticed I didn't have anymore resources to craft Molotov's so I had to leave two nests unburned.

I started collecting the item that looked like some plastic coffee cup. I noticed the big truck around and I guess that was taking the Polystyrenes along with other things to deliver somewhere.

Later I noticed this camp and I guess the truck drivers stopped there to pass the night where they got attacked.

I had to collect 7 Polystyrenes and after collecting the 6th one, I had a hard time finding the last one and that's the last one I found after searching around for some times.

I drove to Wizard Island to deliver the items to Weaver. It looked like Weaver has been noticing Deacon doing runs for Sarah lately so he started joking and when the joke was about to get into a bad moment, Deacon got calmed down.

Weaver asked me to follow him so he can show me what he was working one and it's about a Napalm Molotov that's a lot strong than the regular Molotov's.

The Colonel asked me to find someone and bring him alive who was one of their own and escaped the camp stealing something and he also killed two men.

I reached the post but I was asked to keep a functional bike close to me to work on it so I returned and came back riding my bike.

I found some bloodstains on the peak there that I was trying to see through and suddenly this biker was riding around me. That's the one I had to track down and as he was on a bike, I had to keep one close to me.

As the Colonel wanted him alive, I started shooting on the bike's wheel and body.

Suddenly I noticed some peoples around were shooting me but I didn't leave the trail, I kept riding after the target.

Some other bikers joined the fight and they started giving me a hard time so I had to shoot them as fast as I could.

After some round of fights with his backups, I got him at last. At first he was misbehaving but then he started begging me to let him leave so he'd tell Deacon where his stash is but Deacon suggested him to tell that to the Colonel.

That's all I wished to talk about in this post. Stay tuned so you don't miss my update about this game if you like it. I was done taking care of the Anarchists for now.

How do you like me narrating of the gameplay?
If you like it, feel free to like, comment & share. I will soon come with another post writing what happens next.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Those flames are looking great at the moment, nice captures.

Written by lionsaturbix

Thanks. The flames definitely bring the action to life; it's one of my favorite details to highlight.

@tipu curate 8

Thank you